Before your two cents or my own two cents, how about two cents' worth of the Highway Of Natural Ways ?
Enjoy the Highway Of Natural Ways, EyeCandy and PowerGems Capital of the World, your EyeCandy Capital with MisterShortcut

My Two Cents

Do you realize that the people who do not vote have more power than those who do?

A mathematical majority of Americans lack the intelligence to vote. They prove it by not voting. Plenty of excuses and "good reasons why they did not vote. Either the people decide what they want with their vote or it will be decided for them. Oh, we're quick enough to voice our opinions about this politician or that issue. The fact is, very, VERY few of us take the time to let our voice be heard in the only way it counts: a single vote. That's how each President is elected with far less than even half of all voters participating: those who don't vote allow the minority of voters to decide.

Most people agree that a majority of politicians are corrupt, grubbers of power and money. the evidence more than suggests that this is not a simple majority. The number of days spent fund-raising alone is a theft of cash for services tendered up in offer only.

When did you last hear of a Senator or President, Governor or even state senator going broke? It's no coincidence that the U.S. Senate is called "the most elite club in the world." Once elected, they entrench themselves much as a tic or other parasite does. The public teat they suckle from has billions and billions of dollars, each billion a separate group of one thousand individual piles of a million dollars each.

Somewhere around eighty percent of elected incumbents who run for reelection win. You might relate it to the law of inertia, which tells us that a body in motion tends to stay in motion; a body at rest tends to stay at rest. An honest man or woman running for office has an uphill grind against the so-called "powers that be."

It is certainly not the Special Prosecutors or Senate committees who will change this fact of life. It is only you who can dump the corrupt official for a better choice, with your vote. President Clinton's impeachment trial is an excellent lesson for us. Whatever you think of Mr. Clinton, three things are clear:

  1. At least 17 Presidents engaged in extramarital affairs in office, although just one was held accountable.
  2. During Mr. Clinton's presidency, an average of some 600,000 Americans became new millionaires …in each year of his eight years in office.
  3. U.S. voters made it clear that they did not want the President impeached, yet congressional leaders who were themselves involved in horrid, hurtful affairs (i.e. Senator Henry Hyde, Rep. Dan Burton, and others) insisted on pursuing an expensive, useless investigation and impeachment.

A reasonable mind might conclude that we could have avoided a seventy million dollar waste of time easily, and very simply. With a mere forty or fifty thousand Americans sending telegrams, faxes, emails or phone calls to these people instructing them to focus on more important issues or be voted out of office in the next election, you can be confident that the particularly egregious Mr. Hyde would have put an end to what amouinted some distinctive prosecutorial abuses.

Please do not count me as a confirmed Clinton fan. I'm not. I am, however, open-minded enough to acknowledge that under Clinton's leadership, we achieved the single greatest expansion of the American economy, enjoyed higher employment, lower military casualties, lower welfare participation, and so much more. I'd rather have the most powerful man on earth enjoying a bit of afternoon delight than to watch him setting off more lethal missiles around the globe.

If it bothers you that fully half of our senior politicians are seriously deficient in ethics and action, remember that you can fix the blame, or fix the problem. Pick up the pen or phone; show that they're mightier than the sword. Why let other people choose your leaders? After all is said and done, your vote counts, even when you don't show up at the election booth. Complain about what's wrong, or take action to fix it. Everything else is mere gum-flapping, true enough?


Those who know what to do tend to be idiots; those who shut up and do it tend to be very bright.
That's one key to understanding the Highway Of Natural Ways. All "great shortcuts" must be fast, simple, powerful, and effective shortcuts.

All 1,089 Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites are free for your life, compliments of your devoted fan, pages
Masters and Millionaires     HotClick     Shame
    Homepage Me
    Cancer   Wealthifaction

© EasyStreet, USA by MrShortcut
All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit.

Today, you can feed people at no cost to you
Hunger - Highway Of Natural Ways Route To High Longevity

In Memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and a dedicated student, known to many as MrShortcut

No empowerment website could be complete without applauding
the enormously positive influence brought by Paul Newman,
who's given over a hundred million dollars in profits to feeding hungry people. Thank you, sir.

YOU may well be our greatest embodiment of the Highway Of Natural Ways,
of all the best in ourselves and what we each can offer the world...
one step at a time, one day at a time, adding up to thousands.
May each of our best thousand steps match yours, Mr. Newman.

Welcome to the largest free website in the world, with MrShortcut  

Satisfaction     100 grand     2 cents     32000     Age 14     Altlink     AskRight     Attitude     Ballerina     Bartender     Ben Rich
Brain - Best Test     Billionaires     QXCI     Boss     Closing     Cold Cure     Computer Mastery     Computer Shortcuts 2     Computer Shortcuts 3     Keyboard Shortcuts     Critics     Criticss     Culture     Current     Cybernetic     Direction     Doctors 2     Dreamdare     Mousetoy     Economy     Enter     Failure     Focus     For Sure     Freepower     Fulcrum     Wealth     Goals     Shortcuts 34     Shortcuts 35     Shortcuts 36     Shortcuts 38     Goalsheet     Change History     Naturopathy     Naturopathy II     Health Index     Habits     Health     Hopeless     Horses     Hugs     Hundreds     Iceberg     Imagination     Important     Infratonic Pain Relief     Ayurvvedic Medicine     Impossible?     Shortcuts 1     YOUR Medical Dollars     Newspaper Article     Flower Essence Therapy     Naturopathic Medicine         Naturopathy II     Shortcuts 7     Shortcuts 8     Shortcuts 9     Shortcuts 10     Shortcuts 11     Shortcuts 12     Shortcuts 13     Shortcuts 14     Shortcuts 15     Shortcuts 16     Shortcuts 17     Shortcuts 18     Shortcuts 19     Shortcuts 20     Shortcuts 21     Shortcuts 22     Shortcuts 23     Shortcuts 24     Shortcuts 25     Shortcuts 26     Shortcuts 27     Shortcuts 28     Shortcuts 29     Shortcuts 30     Shortcuts 31     Shortcuts 32     Shortcuts 33     Oregano         Alternative to Chiropractic
  Contents         Shortcuts 39     Shortcuts 40     Shortcuts 41     Shortcuts 42     Shortcuts 43     Shortcuts 44     Shortcuts 45     Shortcuts 47     Shortcuts 48     Shortcuts 49     Shortcuts 4b     Shortcuts 50     Shortcuts 51     Shortcuts 52     Shortcuts 53     Shortcuts 54     Shortcuts 55     Shortcuts 56     Shortcuts 57     Shortcuts 58     Shortcuts 59     Shortcuts 60     Shortcuts 61     Shortcuts 601     Shortcuts Oll     Infants     Keyboard Shortcuts     Last Ruby     Lawyers     Letter     Links     List     Literacy     Lovely     Masterlinks     Masterlinks 2     Masterlinks 3     Masterlinks 4     Masterlinks 5     Masterlinks 6     Masters     Meddestiny     Millionaires     Millionaires 2     Millionaires 3     Millionaires 4     Millionaires 5     Minute     Missions     Mood     Moving     Endorsements  (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners)     Naysayers         Page 23     Page3     Pareto     Paychecks     Payoffs     Pay  Yourself     Piano     Poof     Popcorn     Power     Health 2     Breath of Life     Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory     Rife Technology     Acoustic Cardiograph     Squib     #1 On Earth     Reach     Respond     Role Models     Ruby 2     Ruby 3     Sales     Sales 2     Science     Scoring     Shorcuts     Shortcuts     Simcha     Sock     STRESS Relief     Taffet     Page 2     Page 22     Top Members     Top Ten     Tribute     Tribute 2     Viola     Waldo     Who     W Blythe IV     Windowsbutt         Write     Give BILLIONS!        

Dare to self-empower your life, with your best source, the Highway Of Natural Ways, by MrShortcut
the Highway Of Natural Ways of Masters and Millionaires is the result of several million focused individual minutes of focus, compliments of MisterShortcut and Masters and Millionaires. These are the shortcuts to success of 5200 masters and millionaires, interviewed one at a time.
Enjoy your free copy.         MrShortcut believes in your success, wealth, happiness, health, and more.         Such Is The Highway Of Natural Ways

My two cents, my two cents

If you wish to hear it all,
turn your head, do not stall.
My two cents, my two cents,
what do you mean, my two cents,
and what does the term really mean?

My two cents is my two cents' worth,
for whatever THEY might be worth,
my two cents, is how I feel,
even if it yields up mirth.

My two cents may have its way,
for my two cents is what I'd say,
if the powers up top had much cents,
'cause they'd surely heed at least
my two cents.

The Vital Power of Voting, with MrShortcut  

Vitality of Voting Power - YOUR power - Because No One Else, Under Law, Is Allowed To Use Your Power!!

People who do not vote have more power than those who do. Use YOUR power of voting by participating in governmental processes. 911day tributes,power of voting. largest free website ever created. "The power of voting."

Remember 911 day. Live more, do more, give more.

You have arrived at the largest shortcuts website in existence, the Highway Of Natural Ways, by MrShortcut
the Highway Of Natural Ways of Masters and Millionaires is the result of several million focused individual minutes of focus, compliments of MisterShortcut and Masters and Millionaires. These are the shortcuts to success of 5200 masters and millionaires, interviewed one at a time.
Enjoy your free copy. Remember 911day. MrShortcut believes in your success, wealth, happiness, health, and more.       Such Is The Highway Of Natural Ways

Your Vote and Your Voice Need To Be Heard WHATEVER Your Opinion | - Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts Champions Billionaires. People who do not vote have more power than those who do.

Please, use your vote. Flash YOUR "My 2 cents Two Cents"

More important than the "My 2cents Two Cents" of the Highway Of Natural Ways or Route To High Longevity,
more influential to the outcome of your life than the "My 2center Two Cents" of MisterShortcut, et alia,
are the "My 2cents Two Cents" of the you that you are going to become with each passing page.
The Highway Of Natural Ways is about as flexible as you, within the potency of PowerGems.
Look at how many choices, perhaps thousands of choices, every day that you live.
Each action you take? It comes with a choice automatically built into it for you.
You can choose to engage the action with a few percent, or all you have.
Trying is for losers, with identifiable exceptions. Doing is for winners.
Make the decision, meaning "to cut off from any other possibility,"
make the decision that your life is worth pursuing mastery in.
If you are going to bother doing something, do it right.
... or do not bother to undertake the matter at all.

    Masters and Millionaires       TowerLinks       Dirty Dirty       HotClick      911day     ;SuperHealth      
            E.M.I.     Health             Herbal Medicine       Herbal Medicine II       Index       Pain Relief      

Those who know what to do tend to be idiots; those who shut up and do it tend to be very bright.
That's one key to understanding the Highway Of Natural Ways. All "great shortcuts" must be fast, simple, powerful, and effective shortcuts.

All 1,089 Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites are free for your life, compliments of your devoted fan, millions of unique web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by MrShortcut
All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people, fair enough?

For now, you can feed people with a free click
Hunger - Highway Of Natural Ways Route To High Longevity
In appreciation of each unique, exquisite memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, herein known as MisterShortcut
May eternity always favor the truly stupefying giant, Mr. Paul Newman, who sloooowllllly earned
hundreds of millions of dollars in a few decades... investing it into the helpless.

    Masters and Millionaires       Shapelinks.US       Crying Shame       HotClick      911day      911day II      SuperHealth      
            Doctors II       E.M.I.     Health

Herbal Medicine    
    Herbal Medicine II       Index       Pain Relief      

BioSyntony Overview

Those who know what to do tend to be idiots; those who shut up and do it tend to be very bright.
That's one key to understanding the Highway Of Natural Ways. All "great shortcuts" must be fast, simple, powerful, and effective shortcuts.

All 1,089 Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites are free for your life, compliments of your devoted fan, millions of unique web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by MrShortcut
All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people, fair enough?

For now, you can feed people with a free click
Hunger - Highway Of Natural Ways Route To High Longevity
Every great effort, every great task, every great achievement is like fire.
When sparks catch fire, you know that humans achieve repeat excellence.
The Highway Of Natural Ways had just enough of those sparks to ignite.
Those humans who most personified the Highway Of Natural Ways.

Thus, this is all an appreciation to the sparks lit by Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, herein known as MisterShortcut
Unlimited kudos to the globe-changing Mr. Paul Newman, who slowly earned
hundreds of millions of dollars in a few decades... and used it to help the helpless.

Ayurvvedic Medicine      
Mineral Infrared Therapy     Infratonic Pain Relief       Rife Technology
Breath of Life      

Cold Cure       Doctors       Doctors II       Health

Herbal Medicine       Herbal Medicine II
Index       Pain Relief       Masters and Millionaires

YOUR Medical Dollars      Flower Essence Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine       Naturopathy II
Oregano       Alternative to Chiropractic
Table of Contents
Endorsements   (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, et alia)

Erasing Starvation, Easing Hunger With Highway Of Natural Ways

If you recognize that the earth's residents are not treating each other particularly well,
then you possess sufficient awareness of your surroundings to make a huge difference.
Selfish benefit is your best reason for helping the helpless.
If you think that you can save lives every day for thousands of days, or even hundreds of days...
without having the universe generously repaying you, then you still don't know Newton's Law.

Rather than paying directly for the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success:
How sweet it is: Reduce starvation, and more, with FREE CLICKS. Sponsors pay for each click - Wow!
What goes up, must come down, what goes around comes around. Help the helpless, to see the action.
When you save lives, you can be ENTIRELY confident that the universe will repay you, & generously.

Hunger and Poverty:
Let's end starvation
Live the Lane of Greater Success
Help others to live stronger longer
BE Your Highway Of Natural Ways
Giving Means Getting

Feed Hungry in Brazil

Feed Veterans With A Click! -- Now!

Word Puzzle Homeless Kids

Food for Hungry in India

Hungry Children (PAGE DOWN once)

Polish Hunger Site (Click the tummy)

TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved

Feed Kids in Africa (Click Cup)

Seeds for Africa (Quiz)

Help Children - (

Donate Rice (Click Answers)

Donate 2 Days Clean Water - (CareToClick)

Purify Water - CareToClick

Donate Bread (Click Loaf)

Help Plant a Tree and help save the world

Donate Vitamins + Child Health Care - (CareToClick)

The Child Health Site

Kid's Hospital In Mexico - Click button on left

Childrens Health (Japanese)

Help Prevent Teen Suicide

1 Day of Education - (CareToClick)

4 Minutes of Education - No click needed!

Give Free Books Literacy Site

Books & SEVERAL others - China - Just click each button, hit CTRL W to close each window. Great!

Word Puzzle Philippine Aid

Listen to Donate to Charity

New York Charities

Charities Japan

Poverty Rural Mexico

Watch a Video $1 goes to Village

Word Puzzle for Water

Fight Animal Cruelty - (

Animal Rescue Site

Rescue Animals 
- (

Help Animals - (

Animal Blankets

DonateDog Food

Meals for Dogs

Shelter Dogs Poland

Dogs Japan

Donate Cat Food

Savethe Big Cats - (

Feed a Big Cat

Save Chimps - (

Feed Chimps - (RedJellyFish)

Help Horses - (
Lane of Greater Success Horsie

Core Principles Of The Highway Of Natural Ways Assure Repayment
When You Alleviate Hunger and Starvation, ESPECIALLY In Kids

Highway Of Natural Ways EyeCandy

If you knew better, you would do better. The Highway Of Natural Ways imitates those who do.

If, and oh, what a big if, you can suspend your opinion (MAJOR master secret in itself),
long enough to ingest information from masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
then absorb another two master secrets here, among so many on this very page, purely for YOU.

Is your mind open? Wider, please! Cease forming opinions before thinking. If your opinion was right, you would be a master now.
Use of the Lane of Greater Success and Highway Of Natural Ways virtually assures your mastery.
From today, remember to imitate masters, and THEN innovate with your knowledge and experience.
Trading just one of every ten chatty, petty minutes for ONE minute of your greatest thinking profits you.
The best opinions you can benefit from are opinions of those who have repeatedly out-succeeded the rest.
The Highway Of Natural Ways is YOUR journey of self-empowerment, with YOUR Godfather of EyeCandy, etc.
Employ the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and, provably, YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. The Highway Of Natural Ways is here for your life.
Much of the Highway Of Natural Ways is based on secrets of masters and millionaires.
Mimicking the actions of masters and millionaires, we tend to imitate their results.
Until you replicate their results, or nearly so, your opinion is counter-profitable.
Get it first from the mouth of the horse, imitate, & THEN might you innovate.
This is a decidedly powerful master secret of the universe, a top shortcut.

Winning On Purpose - Of COURSE There Are Easy Shortcuts   - Look For People Already Doing It 
Suggestions of the Highway Of Natural Ways Regarding Success, Hunger Eradication, and magic secrets.

Excellence is not known to happen by accident, so, win intentionally.
Find more within yourself, and such rich, uncountable assets you now have access to.
Live YOUR Lane of Greater Success and Highway Of Natural Ways using what you have.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Conversely, each day that you fill with moments to remember, you need no refund.
Thus, living with excellence is a choice, one that you will find happens WITH PURPOSE.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
That's a high-speed approach to grabbing the Highway Of Natural Ways with both hands, hm?
Intentionally improving by ONE percent all that you need to repeat proves YOUR master secret.
Engage the Highway Of Natural Ways to accelerate your mastery, and the Highway Of Natural Ways will reciprocate.
Alleviating hunger, MOST ESPECIALLY in starving children, is among YOUR best and fastest shortcuts.    Try it.
Put this to the test! Belief in the Highway Of Natural Ways is not required at all
Find helpless people or animals, and help them. The more anonymously you give, the more you get back.
How could you consider forming an opinion about anything you have not yet displayed any expertise in?
Our first and best step when we identify what we are determined to excel at is to identify true masters.
Once we imitate their steps, even their attitudes and words and questions and statements, WATCH!
Watch and see as each of us who uses this masterful formula imitates the results, or nearly so.
World records, broken-shattered countless numbers of times. Heed a voice of experience.
Most anything you ever master, or intend to, already has champions, true, or not?
Identify who does it best. Imitate what they do most often, imitate their results.
You get to choose who you imitate, just as you choose what you will master

Until you imitate their results, ALL opinions all-silent.
Use this high-speed master secret of your universe.
Magic results in one to twenty-one days for 99% of humans.
What you know is second to what you do with what you know.

Take back your precious minutes. Plan your daily hours in advance.
Imitate masters. Help the helpless. See what happens to YOUR profit.
Easing starvation, a purely preventable disease of greed, you will win.

Look at those living their own Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success.
They win on purpose by imitating the best of the rest of us, and THEN innovating on it.
Are you sharp enough to count the fullest number of universal shortcuts in this Shapetalk?
Raise your IQ, rapidly, by merely hand-writing all of them, in your own words, repeatedly.
Before looking for new resources, first squeeze more from the brains and assets you possess.
Highway Of Natural Ways foundations and fundamentals are aimed at YOUR rapid and total winning.

Route To High Longevity Covering

IF you are half as bright as you think you are, learn about QRA.
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The Route To High Longevity promises that QRA will astound and impress you.
Nothing you have seen or learned in life is even remotely like BDORT and Q.R.A.
No medical protocol that YOU have encountered is even close to BDORT and Q.R.A.
If you love yourself as the Route To High Longevity loves you, learn BDORT and Q.R.A.
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These are portable bidigital tools that you get to carry and use for the rest of your life.
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Living the Route To High Longevity means making use of what proves best to work best, most.
In every walk of life, we have leaders, the masters and champions who are the most worth imitating.
The Route To High Longevity is sure you will find that learning is a wise decision.
Easy enough for children to learn, and to use, before allowing things to come in or near your body and mind.
BDORT is a one-second test that allows you to test every food, drink, and more, before putting it in or near you.
is the simple identification of what nutrition an organ or gland is most deficient in.
The Route To High Longevity scours the world for the best of the best. is just that.
Please stop forming opinions on what you know so little of. Those opinions steal from your own Longevity.
First, study your masters and champions, those doing it best. Repeat their efforts to repeat their results.

Hotlinks For Route To High Longevity Websites - helping you help yourself


Don't be bashful !     Share the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity.

 Highway Of Natural Ways Bookmark - Share

The Highway Of Natural Ways
Doesn't the phrase say it all?

When you enter the Highway Of Natural Ways you leave at the door all baggage and obstacles. Here, it's about resolving.
The words, actions, and methods that you find throughout these gorgeous pages,
the secrets and shortcuts of succeeding from the Highway Of Natural Ways and far beyond,
are an indisputable blend of the proven-perfect laws of life.
You should quickly find the Highway Of Natural Ways to be a powerful path to Life.

Reach for more inside of yourself and you will be astonished at what is inside of you,
just waiting to be brought out in the best possible light. Now, it's your turn.
That's not rah-rah; it's recognition of the enormity of resources available to you and for you. It's your turn to win.

Learn more in order to live more, at the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity.
Whether this huge body of work is the internet's healthiest website, or the largest empowerment website, not so important,
because the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity creations,
all part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network and empire built by your Godfather of EyeCandy,
are the internet's most philanthropic websites and network.
more to YOUR credit than to MisterShortcut's, frankly.

Already generating many millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to,

it is YOUR doing that Mister-Shortcut became "The Wealthiest Man on Earth,"
because true wealth is not measured by what you gather for yourself, rather, by what you give away to others.
YOU and your clicks empower huge resources.     You deserve the Highway Of Natural Ways.

Employ the simple laws of physics for your own direct advantage.   Get wealthy by giving.
You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them.
You will find that this fruit of the Highway Of Natural Ways tastes delicious.
Natural health shortcuts of long-lived people.   Your best health tips... NATURAL health tips,
and the greatest success shortcuts and secrets of masters and millionaires.
That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
from one pair of preternaturally busy hands: many hundreds of thousands of unique creations.

crafted for your success by Mister-Shortcut
, for You

Beyond belief, all of these millions of unique, delicious pages are from Mister-Shortcut.
A) Be sure you look beyond and between the Highway Of Natural Ways EyeCandy, and similar.
B) Using these master secrets of the universe speeds up the day you help more of the helpless.
C) These are the shortcuts and master secrets of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.

The Highway Of Natural Ways was born of sharing the world's most powerful secre shortcuts.
This set of powerful websites, highly-ranked for M A N Y sets of keyphrases, is for sale.
All this can be yours for just $34,000,000, or the offer we like most among all offers.
Each of these websites is developed, active, and, most-often, VERY highly-ranked.
Search: "best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires."
No, not all of the words, just pick two of them, and search any search engine.
That's just a sampling of the many hundreds of keyphrases you can search.
As shortcuts built the Highway Of Natural Ways, they will build your life.

Route To High Longevity With DoctorShortcut - DoctorShortcut Prescription Of Masters & Champions -   Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts is Mister-Shortcut
-   Your Highway Of Natural Ways Translates To More Shortcuts
-  The Highway Of Natural Ways Inveigles Your Mastery
-   MisterShortcuts Advises More Highway Of Natural Ways -   MrShortcut Shares Highway Of Natural Ways -Level of Great Shortcuts -   Imitating Masters Tends To Work - Thus A Highway Of Natural Ways PowerGem -   Deliciously sweet domain to bring you your own Highway Of Natural Ways version
Shortcuts.Me -   Let's face it: For all winners, shortcuts are you, and shortcuts are me, every day
-  Fill up your own self-prescription with Route To High Longevity HealthGems -   EyeCandy And PowerGems Wisdom of Masters - From Mr-Shortcut
MrShortcut.US -  "Self-Empowerment Is Defined And Measured By Your Hunger" -  Since Shortcut Equals Highway Of Natural Ways PowerGems -   For Delicious One Word Domains, Shortcut Does The Trick -  Champions and Billionaires Use GreatShortcuts -   Great-Shortcuts Of Masters And Millionares
Mister-Shortcut.US -   Succeed Faster With Mister-Shortcut PowerGems -   MisterShortcut Rich EyeCandy BrainCandy Invitations
-   The Biz Of MisterShortcut Is Sharing Free Shortcuts
-   The website where MisterShortcut aims to change your world -   Since we each deserve a champion, a coach, a cheerleader - Highway Of Natural Ways PowerGems Are Here For Your Life  - A Huge Self-Empowerment Resource For Better Shortcuts - More Highway Of Natural Ways, rearranged by Mr-Shortcut     - After all, is a pathway to sho-rtcuts -   Shortcuts From, right? -   Why spend a million for when YOU can afford

hortcuts.US becomes S.hortcuts.US - Let Us Shower The World With Shortcuts!

Both of these Highway Of Natural Ways domains are websites!     - -    

-   Promoting the cause of shortcuts, expanding the Highway Of Natural Ways for you - The first MisterShortcut EyeCandy domain - (EyeCandy Needs IE, or compatible) -   Shortcuts ARE My Name Thanks To The Highway Of Natural Ways -  Regulata Is The Rule With Anyone's Highway Of Natural Ways - - The Highway Of Natural Ways Shapetalk Capital For Your PowerGems 

-  Indeed, only 36
-   Megatruths

All these, and so many more, helping you to help yourself, in aim of you helping others.
Zig Ziglar said that the only time we should look down on another human being...
... is when we are reaching down to offer that person a helping hand up.

Shh. Top pretending you know better than those who are doing better.
Your two cents will have considerable value when you develop a bit.
That is when we will choose to act more and more as you have.

The Highway Of Natural Ways is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You. They are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Highway Of Natural Ways is free for your life

Hidden master secrets of the universe:

Lee Iaccoca taught that the ultimate salesman/woman is not the guy or gal that makes a sale,
because anyone and everyone can make a sale when it is important enough to ask enough.
The ultimate salesman or saleswoman is the man or woman who gets repeat business.

There is no faster shortcut or secret in the universe,
more instant, than delivering more than promised,
not in the arena of more return customers.

It does not have to be selling things.
It does not have to be a service.

It can be a personal issue.

These secrets work, fast.

Since the Highway Of Natural Ways delivers more than promised, here are some of the extra freebies we want to include.
Let your imagination run free on what else the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity include for free.
Every domain or website purchase from the Highway Of Natural Ways - Route To High Longevity includes freebies.

Not just for misspelling, SHORcuts get you there faster
Misspelled Domains have powerful advantages, plus, SHORcuts -   Smart people embrace Route To High Longevity HealthGems

Since the Highway Of Natural Ways delivers more than promised, here are some of the extra freebies we want to include.
Let your imagination run free on what else the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity include for free.
Every domain or website purchase from the Highway Of Natural Ways - Route To High Longevity includes freebies.

Not only for misspelling, SHORcuts get you there faster
Misspelled Domains have powerful advantages, plus, SHORcuts

My two cents, my two cents

If you wish to hear it all,
turn your head, do not stall.
My two cents, my two cents,
what do you mean, my two cents,
and what does the term really mean?

My two cents is my two cents' worth,
for whatever THEY might be worth,
my two cents, is how I feel,
even if it yields up mirth.

My two cents may have its way,
for my two cents is what I'd say,
if the powers that be had much cents,
'cause they'd surely heed at least
my two cents.