PowerGems - The Highway Of Natural Ways

Of our interest in uniquity, and seeking to appeal to the widest conceivable array of sensibilities,
the Highway Of Natural Ways chose this page as the twenty-sixth way into your Highway Of Natural Ways.
Others may have sufficed to entice your greater interest in success shortcuts, especially the best ones
Still and all, as this is the Highway Of Natural Ways, this 26th index has real wisdom to enrich us all.

The greatest weight is on what you do the most, with all of the thousands of minutes you wasted.
Each week for the past several hundreds weeks, you have done but a piece of what you wish to,
because each week or month, you can count the thousand or more minutes frittered on pettiness.
Specifically, beginning with what is already within your mind, your heart, your life's experience.
This refers to the best of your attitudes and efforts on those occasions when it is serious need.
When it is important enough, most of us are amazed by what you can do when needed.
The challenge... is but turning your everyday life and actions into something important.
Your hunger and excitement are among the best secrets of success that yield hugely.
More, it must be something important enough for you to know it as need or desire.

PowerGems are close to being entirely universal shortcuts that work just about every time.
Few of us recognize just how many shortcuts are available for very rapid use.
There is great news in knowing that you will find about as many shortcuts... as you believe you will find,
which proves to be a shortcut in itself that we each and all can employ, on purpose.

With all these thousands of human skills for you to tap into, your success opportunities are many.
Using these shortcuts on a repeated basis produced results for all but the tiniest percentage of people.
Those few have closed minds; probably not you.  An open minds learns much more than a closed mind.

The Highway Of Natural Ways reminds you of two of humanity's most observed traits:

  • drastic underutilization of immediately useful resources
  • Operating one's life under the belief that, somehow, someway, "things will get better."
Whether or not it applies to you, the second of these at least borders on insanity,
when we consider that the medical definition of insanity is found in repeating a behavior identically and expecting a different result.

A better result comes out of our better efforts, not serendipity..
In hope of assisting you to achieve and obtain better, accelerated results, you have PowerGems... fantastic shortcuts of true masters.

Push your F5 keyboard button to refresh colors

These are the high-speed shortcuts of extraordinarily successful people:
masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires... the humans who break and shatter and set new records for all of a striving humanity...
5,200 inspiring role models,
interviewedone at a time by a Senior Associate Director of the Who's Who Worldwide Registry.

As with every category of human life, those who do are the best possible teachers.
The bare reality is simple: we're far less interested in what you know than we are in what you DO with what you know.   Please.   Talk less.   Do more.

With special thanks to the late, great Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, a man among millions

Obeisance and reverence to Oprah,
worthy example of master, millionaire, champion, even billionaire;
role model for the ages with excellence set by example.

May all those we lost on 911day rest in peace,
knowing we still have heroes.

  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!    Keep 911day in mind  
  LIVE more   GIVE  more!     Remember 911day.  
   Remember 911day.    
  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!   

LIVE more       GIVE  more!

From QRA () or the critical importance of breathing more, and getting air-dried sea salt,
to knowing how to begina job interview, there are thousands and thousands, sometimes millions of resources available to you.
If you wish to know about QRA, or to speak about the marvelous uses of, or the growth of yoru wealth,
you are simply out of good excuses for not learning more so that you can earn and live and give so much more than you do now.

Stop offering excuses for mediocrity, for making far less effort than your personal circumstances can reasonably justify or rationalize.
Reach out to the people doing it better than you, and find that they are LIVING the Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways.
When you imitate the actions of someone doing something better than you have done, you are using the timeless magic of "recipe duplication."
You can always innovate and add in your initiative AFTER you get the recipe down pat,
or, better yet, after you fully master the use of that recipe.

If you, for example, have never visited or made use of resources at smallbusiness.gov, or CFDA.gov, or SBA.gov, etc.
how exactly do you expect to get the most from YOUR investment into your own nation?
If you are paying taxes, you are entitled to bags and bags and bags of what is, essentially,
free money in that it does not need to be repaid anytime soon, or, often, EVER

When choose not to use the great resources you are literally surrounded by, who exactly loses the greatest measure of their benefit?
Engage your Highway Of Natural Ways by embracing and repeatedly using ANY PowerGem that appeals to your personality or style or desire.

Doing so assures that the universe comes around to your side, because the universe DOES reward action, as Jack Canfield so ably taught us all.
In other words, repeatedly engaging the Highway Of Natural Ways means the Highway Of Natural Ways will repeatedly engage you just as much.

 Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity  Hunger Help Drive

"Q" your way into

Bidigitals.com       QuantumReflexAnalysis.info      

* Incidentally or not...*
If you object to the Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways being so bold in style of font/lettering:
The difference this makes for so many, many millions of people with visual challenges is worth taking note of.
Unlike ALL-CAPS, which is generally accepted to mean that the person typing is experiencing a level of rage,
the bold lettering makes the big difference between needing eyeglasses to read this... or not needing to.
So, if you perceive that the Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways are screaming out,
please remember all of the millions of people who are visually challenged.  Fair enough?

When you choose not to squeeze more from each today, how can tomorrow be improved?
All your yesterdays PLUS today is what will equal your life-total tomorrow.
Adding just one percent more into each task that you do today,
assures you of enjoying a tomorrow even better than today.
When you embrace your Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways,
you will certainly find the Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways embracing you.
From, the simple test you can freely use for the rest of your life on food, etc.,
to the potent and undeniably effective secrets and shortcuts of success, the choice to learn more is yours.
In return for your agreement to help more of the world's helpless, you will learn here the great secrets of life.
Start now with more air (deeper breathing at least once per hour), clean water (a few ounces every waking hour),
if only because your kidneys, which pump more than a liter of blood every minute of your life, are so heavily taxed;
never less than a teaspoon or two of real salt per day, strictly to mean sea salt, the third most critical nutrient of life,
knowing that a fantastic eighty-plus percent of all humans seen to live beyond 100 eat/drink unheated olive oil most days.
and plenty of green vegetables, all of which is helped by maintaining good intestinal bacteria, by not eating so much garbage.
You will find more often than not that the greatest secrets of Longevity, as of those relating to wealth, are indisputably simple.
Less talking on your part, more listening to those doing it better than you, followed by your own imitation and innovation.
It's a magnificent, easier way to win at living life ... your most serious and exciting game.
Provided you help the helpless, you are welcome at the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity.

Route To High Longevity Seeking To Be Your Healthiest Website

Healthiest website? Maybe YOU will decide that.

One of the goals here is to be counted among YOUR healthiest websites.
The Route To High Longevity makes such a statement, since HealthGems come from knowledge.
Knowledge from people living stronger for longer is the most useful, the healthiest information.
The more you learn, the smarter your decisions tend to be, as you will probably agree.
Having better information means having better tools to make your decisions with.
Thus are you advised to learn more, so you can live more, naturally, naturally.
Enjoy and learn from your healthiest website, the Route To High Longevity.

© Mr. Shortcuts, for the Highway Of Natural Ways

Universal Shortcuts Are Found All Across The Highway Of Natural Ways

All across the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success, find GREAT shortcuts.
As with all of our muscles, we can use it or lose it. Exercise delivers myriads of benefits.
What makes Highway Of Natural Ways so-called PowerGems so great? -- They WORK!!

Whew! Right now, in the next hour, ask more people more times each and see it.
Without a shadow of a doubt, you immediately get more yesses when you ask.
In fact, this is the single most indisputable secret to growing wealth greatly!
If you did not secure their assent, you asked wrong, or not enough times.
If you do not get a satisfactory "yes" from someone, ask someone else.
It can be that simple, although you find another PowerGem nearby:
"Give that person more reasons WHY they should say "yes" to you."

Universal shortcuts all across the Highway Of Natural Ways,
what will you do when it's your turn to rise and shine?

Will you or won't you, use universal shortcuts,
will you embrace your universal shortcuts,
even one tenth as much as I do mine?

Universal shortcuts means truly universal shortcuts,
never any doubt that your satisfaction rises up high.
The universal shortcuts of champions, repeat winners,
are how they universally achieve sweeter and bluer skies.

Why would you live in a universal cloud, of sugar and flour and all that is foul?
The best of universal shortcuts, for all that they prove, are universal in nature...

...so that YOUR bottom line will move more efficiently than your bowels do.
Did you know that half the world goes to the bathroom correctly,
(weight on the feet, not on the rump,)
and do not suffer intestinal or "plumbing" issues,
... and then there is the other half...
there is you.

Of all the "new" things you've ever learned, this one will likely be among the most amazing you learn.
In three days, no more than four, you 'not soon go back' when you see how your body rewards you.
Who is the idiot that fills a 10-gallon bucket with a water hose, starting out by bending the hose?
Is that you? If you would not do it to a hose, stop doing it to yourself, because it's really bad.
Of all the measures of stupidity, with respect to one act causing a thousand or more damages,
you'll have a tough time finding one more horrendously, injuriously stupid than pooping improperly.
This one trick alone would make millions of current cases get much better in weeks or even some days.
Never mind what's more convenient. Which is more convenient, squatting, or laying in a hospital bed, hm?

Universal shortcuts are those that work for everyone

The universal shortcuts of those who clearly know, AND SHOW, better than the rest, when they come & when they go.
Universal shortcuts of what you could have should have, universally come down, to what you really would have.
The Highway Of Natural Ways shares the secrets of life, the universal shortcuts that reduce most of your strife.
Universal shortcuts will illuminate your path, when you USE your universal shortcuts, you shall be glad.
Better and better does your life progress, when universal shortcuts are your prime form of address.
Addressing your issues with shortcuts or not, will determine your outcomes, be they cold or hot.
Utilize your universal, secrets and shortcuts, the words that accelerate you before and after,
you will find that universal shortcuts still prove today, to underlie most of your laughter.
The Highway Of Natural Ways, the world's best source of effective universal shortcuts.
The ONLY people we should heed, or imitate, are those repeatedly doing it best.
They are the role models for winning with your own Highway Of Natural Ways,
just as the Lane of Greater Success is from those living stronger longer.

IMAGINE: What will YOU do with your new mastery?
That's it. It comes with a built-in mastery assurance.
After all, universal means universal, at all times.



The Highway Of Natural Ways Delivers Universal Shortcuts

Universal shortcuts from thine Highway Of Natural Ways,
where will you turn when it's your turn to shine?

Won't you or will you embrace universal shortcuts,
will you refute universal shortcuts of us all?
Will you, also, smash that universal wall?

Universal shortcuts produce more universal shortcuts,
excluding the doubts of your production rising higher.
Great universal shortcuts of champions and winners,
are how leaders universally reach up to clean skies.

Why would you live in a universal cloud, of flour and more far too foul?
The best of universal shortcuts, can help keep you from throwing in the towel,
that YOUR bottom line goes up concomitantly with your use of universal shortcuts

Effective universal shortcuts of those who know and do, better than most of the universal rest, including, I'm afraid, YOU.
When you know your own Highway Of Natural Ways, those around you will see the universal truth of YOUR shortcuts.
Universal shortcuts of what you could have should have, universally come down, to what you really would have.
The Highway Of Natural Ways shares the secrets of life, the universal shortcuts that reduce most of your strife.
Universal shortcuts will illuminate your path, when you USE your universal shortcuts, everything gets rad.
Better and better does your life progress, when universal shortcuts are your prime form of address.
Addressing your issues with shortcuts or not, will determine your outcomes, be they cold or hot.
Utilize your universal, secrets and shortcuts, the words that accelerate you before and after,
you will find that universal shortcuts still prove today, to underlie most of your laughter.
The Highway Of Natural Ways, the world's best source of effective universal shortcuts.

MisterShortcut is pleased to present you with universal shortcuts for total winning.
When we imitate actions and attitudes of those repeatedly doing best, we tend to imitate their results.
Shapetalk and Shapetalking to Shapetalks and Shapelinks.com, all to help you reach YOUR ultimate score.



Twenty-six of this, twenty-six of that, and, before you know it, you've got quite a bit of something.
With respect to shortcuts, most particularly the best shortcuts of all, universal success shortcuts,
the world will certainly change for you, quite for the better, using twenty-six special shortcuts.
No matter who you are, what you do, where you do it, there is room to get even better.
Lane of Greater Success helps you to keep, or even regain, your greatest health.
Highway Of Natural Ways is about your universal success shortcuts that work.
Twenty-six times are you reminded here and now, via twenty-six shortcuts,
that the best in you is still inside of you, and we wait to see it come out.
Get one percent better at everything you need to do repeatedly...
... and see just what you arre REALLY capable of.

Welcome to YOUR Highway Of Natural Ways,
and YOUR Lane of Greater Success.