Masters and Millionaires
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New-fangled Shortcuts - Current Events There is, I think, an essential difference of character in mankind, between those who wish to do , and those who wish to have certain things.
I have gathered a posie of other men’s flowers,
The current state of events in your life either fulfill and satisfy you, or they do not.
Do not expect much of anything to change in your life until you change what generates your results. Instead of focusing on what is current in fashion, or what is current in the world of celebrities,
I observe persons expressing a great desire to possess fine horses, hounds, dress, equipage, etc, and an envy of those who have them.
I myself have no such feeling, nor the least ambition to shine, except by doing something better than others. I have the love of power, but not of property. I should like to be able to outstrip a greyhound in speed; but I should be ashamed to take any merit to myself from possessing the fleetest greyhound in the world.
I cannot transfer my personal identity from myself
to what I merely call mine. The generality of mankind are contented to be estimated by what they possess, instead of what they are.
William Hazlitt 1778-1830
and nothing but the thread that binds them is mine own. John Bartlett
Enjoy the largest website in town - the Highway Of Natural Ways, with 1,000,000 unique web pages
If you are completely happy with the current state of affairs, and your results, change nothing.
Should you wish and aim for more in your life, change course of your current efforts, with shortcuts.
If you do not know exactly where you are going, you will most likely end up somewhere else.
Know precisely where you are going, to reduce the likelihood of ending up somewhere you did not intend to go.
Ask more people more times each. This alone remains the greatest secret of success, the greatest of profit shortcuts.
Those who repeatedly ask for more... more times each... inevitably and consistently tend to outperform most everyone else.
Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly
while expecting a different result.
You can add something new to what you are doing, so as not to rock any of your boats "prematurely,"
or, you can just as well, perhaps, get better at what you are doing in order to get decidedly better results.
YOUR Current Events Determines YOUR Tomorrow - USE Your Highway Of Natural Ways
how about investing just 3 to 5 minutes per day considering what is current about your best efforts?
The Highway Of Natural Ways assures you with certitude that one percent improvements are YOUR ticket.
The Highway Of Natural Ways assures you with certitude that one percent improvements are YOUR ticket.
Take any (and, if you're really focused on winning, take all) tasks that you are now repeating regularly,
and increase your efforts and focus by a mere one percent or more, each and every time you repeat that task.
Long before 100 repetitions of this magic shortcut are under your belt, your results will at least have doubled.
Since the Highway Of Natural Ways was implanted in you as a child, which you practiced before becoming self-conscious,
you are urged to speak less and do more, routinely and unrelentingly imitating the people that YOU happen to admire most.
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All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people than themselves.
Dedicated to the beloved Bernie Kellogg, M.A.,M.Ed, Ph.D., Paul Newman, Oprah
... and you!
Links to more portions of your all-natural Highway Of Natural Ways,
largest, most self-empowering naturopathic website of all
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Ayurvedic Medicine
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Infratonic - Natural Pain Management Rife Technology
Ayurvedic Medicine
Breath of Life
Acoustic Cardiograph
Brain Tuner
Curing Colds
Doctors II
Health Index - The facts
Herbal Medicine
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Pain Relief
Masters and Millionaires
YOUR Medical Dollars
Flower Essence Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine
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Alternative to Chiropractic
Psoriasis Medical Destiny Your Choice
Asclepius VS Hygea
Endorsements (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)
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Health Shortcuts
Cold Cure
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Great Shortcuts
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Living Stronger For Longer with your healthiest website on the internet,
where YOUR health and wealth are addressed in detail
by the single most well-read human in history,
averaging a book or two per day for more than sixteen thousand days.
The brilliance is NOT found in MisterShortcut's prolifically eager mind;
it is found in his discoveries and studies of the best thinking,
and, much more importantly, the best results of all time.
based on the best role models around us all,
because those who do it better
have a great tendency to know better.
Right beneath your noses all along, that which you needed and wanted most of all,
effective shortcuts and master secrets of the universe, to give you a leg up.
Thankfully, the Highway Of Natural Ways cuts through with fine shortcuts.
Current shortcuts, current thoughts, all wrapped up in wisdom's thrall.
The current way to do is not always bright and thoughtful,
for the moment's sway carries too much weight.
But the current way of the current masters,
is the pathway to preclude most disasters.
Reach within your past to find the best to use today,
and you'll find the currents roiling more and more your way.
The greatest of all techniques is found, in imitating what is sound.
Who shows it best proves that they know it best,
Great pearls of great wisdom and the methods of those who routinely do best,
these are the proofs, solid evidence, of whether or not you finally passed the test.
Rather than blindly embracing whatever is most current, without watching out for the drawbacks,
the Highway Of Natural Ways urges you to combine the best of what is current, with timeless wisdom.
There is no wiser approach than first finding, observing, and imitating those who repeatedly do it better.
Current events, plus current shortcuts... equals YOUR Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success