Sweet Better shortcuts lead to better success approaches lead to better results, with Mr-Shortcut
The Lane of Greater Success and related sites are all here for your life, so help yourself!
If you'lre lazy, you can just tap any key on your keyboard - for another of our healthiest websites, all here for your life.

Well, you've arrived at the largest private, true network, on the known internet:
Millions and millions of unique web pages filled with the greatest shortcuts of
masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, role models each one.

Make the most of your better shortcuts, because this IS, by uniquity alone,
among the most important days of your life, the day YOU grow one percent.

No one you ever meet is at all capable of caring about what you most want
until you PROVE you meet every person's two most critical requirements:
To be listened to, and to be understood.

Thus, count a superlative shortcut:
WITHOUT agreeing or pretending to agree, address both.
Be sure you state, out loud, what THIER biggest issue is,
and what they most want. You might even repeat their words.

For getting people to do as you ask, few shortcuts work this well.
As always, what you think and say mean less than what you do, hm?

Health tips and shortcuts, wealth tips and shortcuts, all from masters,
all from those who know it best of all; the proverbial horse's mouths.
Welcome to YOUR journey into accelerated success with shortcuts;
the best and greatest success shortcuts from around the world.

Enjoy the Lane of Greater Success, it's free for your life.
Millions of pages by Mr-Shortcut, believing in YOU.
For anyone sufficiently

Sweet Better Shortcuts For Success Acceleration

With so many shortcuts sites to choose from, note that the EyeCandy is prolific.
Simultaneous wishes for artistic expression, and organization, birthed EyeCandy.
Best of all is that the sweet shortcuts that helped so much also serve your interests.
Each site is unique by up to a million or more factors, and all are rich with shortcuts.
The more you listen to those doing it better than you, the faster your mastery develops.
Among the best, truly greatest shortcuts of all time is the act of suspending your opinion.
The more you use the best shortcuts, the better you get at reaching your own personal best.
BR>Stop asking yes or no questions: they cut your chances of getting a "yes" by about fifty percent.
Offer alternatives, and then ask which they like best, which appeals to them most, or sounds best.

More of the better shortcuts that help us to better our results:
Do YOU know of a faster shortcut?

Engage any universal shortcut 100 days in a row, and see how Life repays you.
If you knew better, you'd do better.
Identify those who do,
people  Y O U  admire

Megatruths.com       Regulata.com       1Shortcut.com       OneShortcut.com       One-Shortcut.com

J233.com       d144.com       Megaphotons.com       Mediaphoton.com       Mediaphotons.com       Mentalisms.com

BestShortcuts.com       Best-Shortcuts.com       Great-Shortcuts.com       GreatShortcuts.com       DoctorShortcut.com

Mister-Shortcut.net       Mister-Shortcut.com       MisterShortcuts.com       MisterShortcut.work       Mister-Shortcut.org

S.hortcuts.com       Sho.rtcuts.com       Dr-Shortcut.com       Foodboosters.com       Boostables.com

Mister-Shortcut.US       MisterShortcut.org       MisterShortcut.net       MisterShortcut.US       Mr-Shortcut.com

MrShortcut.net       Mr-Shortcut.net      MrShortcut.org       Mr-Shortcut.org       MrShortcut.US       Mr-Shortcut.US

Shapetalking.info       Shapetalking.net       Shapetalks.com       Shapetalks.info       Shorcuts.US       Success-Shortcuts.US

Shapelink.US       Shapelink.info       Shapelinks.com       Shapelinks.info       Shapelinks.US

Shapetalk.US       Shapetalking.com

How-To-Succeed.com       www-shortcuts.com       Shortcuts.me.UK       Shortcuts.cloud

Shortcuts.company       Shortcuts.business       www.Megatruths.com

Shortcut.cloud       Shortcuts.club       Shortcuts.space       Shortcuts.online       Shortcuts.website

Engage any universal shortcut repeatedly 100 days in a row,
to begin absorbing the irrepressible upsides of Newton's 3rd

Literally thousands of websites from a single pair of hands, dedicated to the proposition of mutual help:
I will help you for as long as you help the helpless. This page has a rich selection of defined, super-shortcuts,
several of the best shortcuts of all time that one-conditionally guarantee your repeated success acceleration.
The one condition is, of course, that you must use any one or more PowerGems at least one hundred times.

Shortcut For Shortcut Shapetalk

Shortcut for shortcut, you want to know where,
Shortcut for shortcut, you just KNOW it will get you there.
Shortcut for shortcuts, in all the thousands of your endeavors,
this is precisely how we catch up, and even pass up all your "betters."

Shortcut for shortcut, it is hard to deny, that the Lane of Greater Success

The Lane of Greater Success and the Route To High Longevity filled with YOUR healthiest shortcuts to Longevity
such as   Healthiest.ws, and Healthiest-Website.net and hundreds of other extensive, helpful health-related websites,
were produced and delivered up unto you in the firm belief that you were born to rise,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The mega-million dollar value of the Lane of Greater Success is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are innovations and promotions of your biggest fan and coach.

Let’s improve this world, one page, one click at a time.
If you agree to share, you will learn great health & wealth.
Your Lane of Greater Success Is Wisdom You Already Possess.
Your Route To High Longevity, wisdom proven by the long-lived.
All wisdom contains multiple layers, multiplex levels of usefulness.
If you know to listen, comprehend powerful information, new to you.
Do you see two ears to one mouth meaning using ears twice as much?
These next few minutes of your life are likely to alter you forever. Focus.
When we obtain benefit from new facts, we get to our first level of wisdom.
When you obtain benefit from new facts, you get to your first level of wisdom.
With so much of you invested in getting to the first level, let’s remove your limits.
You have invested eighty percent of what is needed to get to so many more profits.
Don’t limit yourself to one meaning. With less time and effort, each layer gets better.
This is a major and master secret of the universe, used by all of the masters around you.
Seek and find your second level of utility, and then your third and even fourth and fifth uses.
Your learning curve goes up in but mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you’ve ever met who was or is worth admiring uses this magical PowerGem.
Each PowerGem is an omnipotent, universal secret of your own Lane of Greater Success.
PowerGems stay hidden in plain sight, through all the millions of MisterShortcut pages.
We do not quit, at anything, because we failed. We fail as soon as we choose to quit.
One closing thought about a matter of great import to the Lane of Greater Success :
You already know that what goes around comes around, as in “What goes up…”
Click through to TheHungerSite, once for each day you get to live and breathe.
When you save dozens & then hundreds of lives, luck tends to transmogrify.
Delight in how profoundly and in many ways your life is quickly enriched.
You need not believe the Lane of Greater Success or any one human.
The best way to confirm or deny a fact is to replicate it, repeatedly.
Click through to TheHungerSite and other "Free Clicks" websites.
AnimalRescue and RainForest, ChildHealth, or LiteracySite.
Enjoy for yourself the sweet fruits of imitating champions.

As with every act of anonymous kindness you commit, YOU win.
You will, as we all do, experience many of your life’s greatest feelings.
For applause, you can sign up at care2.com & tally your clickthroughs.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.
Join the Lane of Greater Success, solving problems,
one at a time, with the best and greatest shortcuts,
universal shortcuts sweetly called “PowerGems.”


You’re looking for an explanation of ShapeTalk perhaps?
–>Keep Looking.
Looking Monkey


ShapeTalk Is Also Multiplex!
The Lane of Greater Success Personifies The Prime Principles Of The Lane of Greater Success
ShapeTalk. You may think that ShapeTalk is merely an expression of art, or distraction.
The Lane of Greater Success works in a manner designed to boost on several levels.
Most humans tend to benefit rapidly by learning to correctly perceive ShapeTalk.
Summarily, we have become sound-byte lovers, we like info short and sweet.
ShapeTalk is a way of expressing many separate pieces of wisdom in short.
There are over a thousand ShapeTalk pieces in thousands of versions,
spread all thoughout the Lane of Greater Success for you to find.
ShapeTalk also, critically, separates thoughts line by line.
Have you noticed that? One line, one thought, mostly.
This way we can look at ShapeTalk and count!
Count the pieces of wisdom you take away.
Look in the ShapeTalk for Shortcuts.

Learn more in order to live more, at the Route To High Longevity,

built with love by Mr-Shortcut, for You 

Shortcuts And Still Greater Shortcuts Domains

- One-Shortcut Into YOUR Lane of Greater Success  
DoctorShortcut.com -   DoctorShortcut Secrets Of Masters And Millionaires
-   Doctor-Shortcut Brings You The Lane of Greater Success
  Doctor-Shortcut Helps You Help Yourself - Lane of Greater Success AND Route To High Longevity
 DoctorShortcut Edifies Us So YOU Can Help Yourself More Effectively... and then the helpless, too
Mister-Shortcut.com -   Mister-Shortcut - Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts With The Best in Self-Empowerment.
More-Shortcuts.info -   More Shortcuts From Your Lane of Greater Success - Develop Your Wealth, then help the helpless.
-   More Shortcuts Translated Into More Lane of Greater Success - Accomplish More Goals With Fewer Steps
-  Mr-Shortcuts Invites And Inveigles You Into Your Own Lane of Greater Success Of Masters and Millionaires
MrShortcut.info -   MrShortcut - Godfather of Shortcuts - With Thousands of Human Skills, Let's Empower You To Empower Yourself
-   1-Shortcut May Electrify Your Lane of Greater Success Approach Immediately
Shortcut.ws -   Shortcut after shortcut in your own perception of the Lane of Greater Success
Shortcuts.Me -   Shortcuts At And From The Lane of Greater Success Are Me... with sharing
Mr-Shortcut.net -   Mr-Shortcut EyeCandy And PowerGems Wisdom

MrShortcut.US -   MrShortcut On Self-Empowerment With The Best Shortcuts Known To Or Shared With Humankind
Shortcut.name -   The aims of these interconnected networks are PowerGems - shortcuts to every name
Shortcuts.ws -   Shortcuts Is Such A Delicious One Word Domain - for true lovers of true shortcuts!
MisterShortcut.com -   MisterShortcuts Urges You To Get One Percent Better Each Day
-   MisterShortcuts Advises More Lane of Greater Success
Great-Shortcuts.com -   Great-Shortcuts Of Masters And Millionares
Best-Shortcuts.com -   Best-Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires And Winners
Mister-Shortcut.US -   Mister-Shortcut Wants You To Succeed Faster Using PowerGems
-   MisterShortcut - Take Me Into The Lane of Greater Success
MisterShortcut.org -   MisterShortcut Rich EyeCandy BrainCandy Invitations
MisterShortcut.US -   MisterShortcut Has Your Self-Empowering Secrets
Mr-Shortcut.US -   Mr-Shortcut - Gorgeous Lane of Greater Success Entry Point
sho.rtcuts.com -   Shortcuts From Rtcuts

hortcuts.com     - At the Lane of Greater Success, hortcuts transmogrify into shortcuts, achieved as if by some kind of magic
S.hortcuts.com -   quite conceivably the most delicious PRE-TLD of all time, where hortcuts developed into www.S.hortcuts.com
    - - because it starts off with great hortcuts, and, with perspiration, can then mature into full-blown Shortcuts!
-   How could no one take hortcuts.com or hortcuts.net? Get YOUR S.hortcuts at the Lane of Greater Success
MisterShortcut.net -   The Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts, MisterShortcut brings you the greatest shortcuts

-   Another wonderful self-empowerment website from MisterShortcut
Shortcuts.Me.Uk -   Shortcuts Are Me In The Uk Too, and for YOU, when you wish it so
Shortcuts.name -   Shortcuts ARE My Name Thanks To The Lane of Greater Success
MisterShortcut.com - MisterShortcut EyeCandy WebSite - (EyeCandy Requires IE, et alia) 
1xx0.com -   What can you say about 1xx0? Sweet little domain - most likely for sale
Regulata.com -  Regulata Is The Rule - so buy THIS brandable sweetdomain
Shapetalk.com - - Lane of Greater Success Shapetalk Capital 

The Lane of Greater Success is your top-notch source for self-empowerment shortcuts, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These prove to be the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and certainly YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Lane of Greater Success is here for your life.
Shortcuts unlock most every venue on earth, when you train, and use the PowerGems most of all.

The Route To High Longevity may be be the internet's largest natural health and natural healing website,
although it is not created as a dictionary, reference book, or other linear publication, for a slew of reasons.
Designed to help you live stronger for longer, naturally, the Route To High Longevity is all about you.
As for the Lane of Greater Success, all these empowering and exciting websites of EyeCandy & more,
where you are encouraged to read between many lines, to find many of your best sweet shortcuts.
have been built for you by Mister-Shortcut, the Godfather of EyeCandy, for you to succeed faster,
to help you help yourself live stronger longer, with better, effective shortcuts of role models,
the same better shortcuts used by people you may know, advanced in years yet youthful.

Learn more so you can teach yourself to live more.   You'll certainly benefit from the shortcuts,
the putative power secrets, and what's behind EyeCandy at the Route To High Longevity.
The motivation impelling urgent need to help you is that you will be able to help the helpless.
Above everything else, this is the common bond among all of the world's great religions.
The more you help the helpless, the more you find at the Route To High Longevity.
It matters not if you fully comprehend this right now, as long as you obtain benefit.
Each time you help the helpless, you will better understand these motivations.
Thus are you encouraged, admonished, and urged to use your best shortcuts.
With much love, Mister-Shortcut

Sweet Shortcuts In Poetry

Sweet shortcuts can be here, sweet shortcuts can be there,
sweet shortcuts are found in all places, yes, everywhere.
Sweet shortcuts count, when the counting is finished,
sweet shortcuts show you what must be burnished.
The shine within the smile in your eyes can count,
when sweet shortcuts are what you try to mount.
All that we do, with sweet shortcuts in our days,
is certain to accelerate what sweet shortcuts seek to sway.
Remember that sweet shortcuts are beneath every winning day.
Look inside to the sweetest, sweet shortcuts you can rememember,
and sweet shortcuts will serve you long past the extended September.
Sweet shortcuts are the underlying power of the Lane of Greater Success.



Better Shortcuts In Poetry

Better shortcuts over here,
better shortcuts might be there,
better shortcuts observed in places,
better shortcuts prove to be everywhere.

Better shortcuts count, when the counting is finished,
better shortcuts show you what must be burnished.
The shine within the smile in your eyes can count,
when better shortcuts are the fight you mount.
All that we do, with better shortcuts in our gaze,
certain to accelerate what better shortcuts seek to make.
Observe that better shortcuts are the base of every better day.
Look inside to the sweestest, better shortcuts you rememember,
and better shortcuts will serve you long past these next Septembers.
Better shortcuts are the underlying power of the Lane of Greater Success.
Sweeter shortcuts enhance the sweeter power of the Lane of Greater Success.


Looking up is how we reach for and attain the sky

Pursuing balance is how imbalance dissolves into poetic mastery.

Stumbling Into Your Best Performances

Best shortcuts exist for most any and every human endeavor conceivable,
particularly for those that have some form of precedent, for human adapt,
and as we adapt and get better, we develop shortcuts for who follows.

Dare to follow the best performers repeatedly getting the best results,
and you rapidly replicate the quality of their performance just as well.

First, imitate the best actions and words and attitudes of people repeatedly doing it best,
and you persistently and everlastingly shall tend to repeat the best of YOUR best results.

Excellent cannot happen accidentally.

Sweet Shortcuts In Poetry

Sweet shortcuts repudiate sinning,
sweet shortcuts are meant for winning,
sweet shortcuts, operant in many places,
sweet shortcuts adding to the smiling faces.

Sweet shortcuts count, when counting is the goal,
sweet shortcuts illustrate how pieces can be whole.
The shine inside your smile, what's supposed to count,
when sweet shortcuts are markers, eradicating doubts.

All we choose to do, using sweet shortcuts in glorious blaze,
certitudinously accelerate what sweet shortcuts aim to create.
Notice where sweet shortcuts are the base of every sweet day.
Peer inside to your sweestest, sweet shortcuts you rememember,
and sweet shortcuts will serve you through all of your Septembers.
Sweet shortcuts are the underlying power of the Lane of Greater Success.
Sweet shortcuts enhance the sweet powers of YOUR Lane of Greater Success.


Lane of Greater Success Shapetalk and Shortcuts

Shapetalk & shortcuts, they make quite a pair,
because shapetalk and shortcuts surely guide you there.
No one can do it, alone, you know,
masters and millionaires prove to show.

Shapetalk and shortcuts are merely starting points,
shapetalk and shortcuts cannot ever steer you wrong.
You see, shapetalk and shortcuts, are from those who know,
those who do it better again...

so, use shapetalk and shortcuts,
beginning today, learning to walk as you did way back then.

Shapetalk and sweet shortcuts are working for countless people all around the world.
We do not quit something because we failed at it; We failed at it because we quit it.

Engage your sweet shortcuts for the sweetest, longest, most magnficent winning streak.
Shortcuts that work approximately every time are sweet shortcuts for YOU to employ.
For example, learning to work at far more tasks with both hands is a sweet shortcut.
The Lane of Greater Success is not merely the work of a bright or brilliant author,
the Lane of Greater Success is the decoction of the best and sweetest shortcuts,
sweet shortcuts used by masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Thus does the Lane of Greater Success aim to be your sweet shortcuts place.

Sweet Shortcuts In Poetry

Sweet shortcuts repudiate sinning,
sweet shortcuts are meant for winning,
sweet shortcuts, operant in many places,
sweet shortcuts adding to the smiling faces.

Sweet shortcuts count, when counting is the goal,
sweet shortcuts illustrate how pieces can be whole.
The shine inside your smile, what's supposed to count,
when sweet shortcuts are markers, eradicating doubts.

All we choose to do, using sweet shortcuts in glorious blaze,
certitudinously accelerate what sweet shortcuts aim to create.
Notice where sweet shortcuts are the base of every sweet day.
Peer inside to your sweestest, sweet shortcuts you rememember,
and sweet shortcuts will serve you through all of your Septembers.
Sweet shortcuts are the underlying power of the Lane of Greater Success.
Sweet shortcuts enhance the sweet powers of YOUR Lane of Greater Success.


Better Shortcuts In Poetry

Best shortcuts sitting here,
best shortcuts relaxing there,
the best of shortcuts, do you care?
Why do the best shortcuts sit so idly?
What unexpected event must happen for you?
When do you stop telling us how good you are,
and HUSH up in order to put your shoulder down,
pushing and rushing with all your might and smiles?
Nobody gets to be the best "just because," no, Never!

The concept of being best by some freak of nature, yes.
Unless you are a lapsus naturae, one true freak of nature,
the only way to get to the top of YOUR ladder is shortcuts.
The use of your best shortcuts promotes your best results.
This is not an opinion of the Lane of Greater Success,
it is an axiom of life you've already used many times.
When it has been utterly critical, or rather petty,
you manage to make deadlines, and just in time.
That never happens accidentally, it is because of intent.
When a situation warrants it, you manage to get very busy.
Zig Ziglar said weddings are successful and marriages are not,
most of all because weddings are planned, while lifetimes are not.
So, this precise day in your life gets to be remembered as awesome,
a day that caught your breath, made shivers run up & down your spine.
There is no better day of your life, since yesterday is gone, tomorrow unborn,
for you to make the decision to repeatedly double your results, 100 days at a time.
This MYSTICAL, life-altering, yield-multiplying master secret of the universe, is yours.
One multi-million or multi-billion dollar secret, because it works approximately every time.
Your intelligence literally and measurably goes up when you suspend your opinions, to learn.
Please stop pretending to know more than those who do more, and you get instant brain-boost.
By simply using it many times, with an eye towards at least one percent improvement, you win.
You win the master ticket of the best possible life, in more ways than you currently recognize.
Dare to be the best that your childhood, that your "inner you" has promised, so many times.
This is the best day to awaken the best of your results with tiny, hyper-potent shortcuts.

Universal Shortcuts From Thine Lane of Greater Success

Universal shortcuts at the Lane of Greater Success,
what will you do when it's your turn to shine?

Will you or won't you, use universal shortcuts,
will you embrace your universal shortcuts,
even somewhat as I do mine?

Universal shortcuts means truly universal shortcuts,
never any doubt that your production rises up high.
The universal shortcuts of winners and champions,
are how they universally reach out for bluer skies.

Why would you live in a universal cloud, of sugar and flour and all that is foul?
The best of universal shortcuts, for all that they prove, are universal in nature...

...so that YOUR bottom line will move.

The universal shortcuts of those who do and know, better than the rest, when they come and when they go.
Universal shortcuts of what you could have should have, universally come down, to what you really would have.
The Lane of Greater Success shares the secrets of life, the universal shortcuts that reduce most of your strife.
Universal shortcuts will illuminate your path, when you USE your universal shortcuts, everything gets rad.
Better and better does your life progress, when universal shortcuts are your prime form of address.
Addressing your issues with shortcuts or not, will determine your outcomes, be they cold or hot.
Utilize your universal, secrets and shortcuts, the words that accelerate you before and after,
you will find that universal shortcuts still prove today, to underlie most of your laughter.
The Lane of Greater Success, the world's best source of effective universal shortcuts.



The Lane of Greater Success Delivers Universal Shortcuts

Universal shortcuts from thine Lane of Greater Success,
where will you turn when it's your turn to shine?

Won't you or will you embrace universal shortcuts,
will you refute universal shortcuts of us all?
Will you, also, smash that universal wall?

Universal shortcuts produce more universal shortcuts,
excluding the doubts of your production rising higher.
Great universal shortcuts of champions and winners,
are how leaders universally reach up to clean skies.

Why would you live in a universal cloud, of flour and more far too foul?
The best of universal shortcuts, can help keep you from throwing in the towel,
that YOUR bottom line goes up concomitantly with your use of universal shortcuts

Effective universal shortcuts of those who know and do, better than most of the universal rest, including, I'm afraid, YOU.
When you know your own Lane of Greater Success, those around you will see the universal truth of YOUR shortcuts.
Universal shortcuts of what you could have should have, universally come down, to what you really would have.
The Lane of Greater Success shares the secrets of life, the universal shortcuts that reduce most of your strife.
Universal shortcuts will illuminate your path, when you USE your universal shortcuts, everything gets rad.
Better and better does your life progress, when universal shortcuts are your prime form of address.
Addressing your issues with shortcuts or not, will determine your outcomes, be they cold or hot.
Utilize your universal, secrets and shortcuts, the words that accelerate you before and after,
you will find that universal shortcuts still prove today, to underlie most of your laughter.
The Lane of Greater Success, the world's best source of effective universal shortcuts.

Better shortcuts count, when the counting is finished,
better shortcuts show you what must be burnished.
The shine within the smile in your eyes can count,
when better shortcuts are the fight you mount.
All that we do, with better shortcuts in our gaze,
certain to accelerate what better shortcuts seek to make.

Notice that better shortcuts are the base of every better day.
Look inside to the sweestest, better shortcuts you rememember,
and better shortcuts will serve you long past these next Septembers.
Better shortcuts are the underlying power of the Lane of Greater Success.
Sweeter shortcuts enhance the sweeter power of the Lane of Greater Success.
Being the best is most rapidly and satisfyingly achieved imitating those who do.



Looking up is how we reach for and attain the sky

                                                       Pursuing balance is how imbalance dissolves into poetic mastery.
Seek what's central, it lubricates the journey... and your endeavors.

Mr-Shortcut invites you into the Lane of Greater Success. Make YOUR life a better place with the greatest shortcuts
NO ONE wins by accident, not repeatedly. Your task is to invest ONE PERCENT MORE IN ALL YOU REPEAT!!
If you agree that you cannot excel by accident, these greatest shortcuts are for you, from Mr-Shortcut