Successful Shortcuts of the Best Performers In History - PowerGems
Even when you are applying for a position, success shortcuts work on your behalf, turning the tide in your favor. For example, when you apply for a job, do you not know that the act of setting up a dozen interviews in one week is in itself a success shortcut to getting nicely hired?
This is such an empowering success secret and shortcut that you really ought to pay for it, don't you think? You see, when you set up a dozen appointments for the same week, it is no longer a one-on-one "maybe they will like me, and maybe they will not."
By giving ourselves the choice of which of these twelve we most want to work for, would enjoy working for, rather than just being grateful for a job, we instantly increase our self-confidence and value.
When we value ourselves, other people can pick up on it. It does not mean that bragging and cockiness are the best success tools, although even these attitides contribute to success. The best success tools all surround the most central notion of success itself: the desired prize.
It gives yet another reason to see and drink the benefits of goal-setting, because having a dozen appointments has a powerful effect on how you think. There is no drought of jobs, only droughts of effort. If there is nothing "in town," then you can choose between a home-based effort, from tele-commuting for a firm, or working from your house... or, you can widen your search to the next town, whether or not you actually move there.
Do not be so staid that you get stuck in the mud of your silly opinions. If you were honest, which you have not, as yet, proven to be, you would recognize and acknowledge that a very fat majority of your opinions are without any legitimate basis, since you have no experience in the areas of those opinions!
Did you know this at all? Your opinions are the opinions of people you respect who passed them on to you. Just as with you, most of THEIR opinions have no meritable foundation or basis, because they have have little or no experience in the area of their opinions. Whew! That's a brain-bender, but only for those who have or make time to consider wise chunks of information BEYOND THE FIRST BLUSH.
There will often be a need to capitalize and scream out that phrase, "beyond the first blush." Getting to the point where you can declare yourself a success will generally require multiple layers of approach, not just one. So, the Highway Of Natural Ways, gently or not, pushes you to remember that successful appreciation of a piece of wisdom demands that you look past the first meaning, the first understanding that you grasp on any subject.
Next, your recognition that the only valid opinion is an opinion based on experience, not the citing of someone else's experience.
Again and again, the people who have a large number of interviews arranged before they go on the first interview inevitably do better at each interview.
When you walk into an interview knowing that you have eleven other options, your power grows, your confidence at least doubles, or gives every appearance of doubling, if not more.
Your powers are many, and you are wise to remember that the people who win Olympic gold medals, and silver medals, and bronze medals, too, all have the same power that you do.
Not merely a power of the body, in case that's what you think. No, the Highway Of Natural Ways is referring to the power of the mind, the power of YOUR mind, the option and choice to say,
The men and women who win gold have the same superpower that you have. Not a power of the body, no, no, the power of the mind, the choice to say, "Yes, I can," and "Yes I am." The same tool you have, the same choice you have, the same brain to process the choice. They simply use it more than you do. That you do indeed possess the ability to kick some serious ass is inarguable; you've already proven it more times than we can count. What annoys me so much is that, for all your innate and developed intelligence, you use these brilliant resources mostly for tiny things and emergencies.
Tell the truth. It's just you and I here. No one's around. The fact is, you perform like a star for tiny things, and for emergencies. Let's talk about the emergencies first.
Think of a time that you had an expected or even an unexpected deadline, and I mean serious deadline, whether it was a critical report for school, rent or insurance money, or tickets that you absolutely had to get your hands on…you had yourself a deadline with not the foggivest idea of how you were going to make it happen.
Now we both know that, when the deadline was critical enough, as in risk of losing a girlfriend or getting evicted or scoring those tickets you just HAVE to have, you find a way to get it done, don't you? Please don't argue here, I'm not in the mood because I've caught you and busted you red-handed in the act of excellence, and you want to say, "Yeah, the money came through," or some such response. No. no! The money didn't 'come through.:' You made it happen! You got off your duff and got busy.
Oh, how you were wracking your brains. I know. I was there watching, and chuckling as you flashed pictures through your head of Mom or Dad, maybe Grandma or your best friend; or hocking this, begging that, selling this or overtime that… you frantically wracked and racked your brain thinking of possibilities and probabilities, calculating their likelihoods, and then going for it. Again and again you strove until you met the deadline in the nick of time.
Are you actually dumb enough to think it was a 'coincidence' that you met the deadline just in the nick of time? Please. There is no such thing as an accident. Since sustaining, surviving, and to a great degree overcoming the challenges of being a passenger in a van that was struck at 'considerably in excess of 100 MPH' according to the NY State Police report, I've been exposed to even more intensive proof that there is no such thing as an accident. If you're unable to grasp just why there is no such thing as an accident in life, please don't strain your brain on it. Now that you've planted it, it'll spring at some point after you nourish the thought. For now, just be open-minded enough to operate on the premise today that there's no such thing as an accident: : every cause has an effect, and vice-versa.
Let's be real: the reason you met your deadline was NOT "Grandma gave me the money." Neither was it "My boss loaned it to me." Even if the money did indeed come from, for example, Grandma or your boss or brother-in-law, they didn't read your mind, did they? No; you asked them for the money. In fact, some of them you asked more than once, remember?
Just like 99% of all the things you receive in your life… oops, did I say 99%? Please, forgive me, and allow me to correct myself. Just like 100% of all the things you receive from one single moment after you're born, right up to your last conscious thought, it is directly because you asked for it. You don't have to like it should you not want to; you are required to accept it when you wish to tap into its inherently definitive power. It is an immutable law of physics; of life itself. In fact Isaac Newton himself referred to it as his Third Law of Physics, which states that every action in this universe brings an equal and opposite reaction.
Every human being has literally thousands of invalid opinions; invalid because those opinions are based exclusively on other people's input, rather than our own personal experience. the intelligent person learns to separate their experientially-based opinions, which tend to be valid, from those based strictly on what your mother/father/teacher/sister told you to believe.
You are invited to test your intelligence by seeing if you've got sufficient brainpower to set aside a few thousand of your absurdly inaccurate, and therefore invalid opinions and just focus on this one thought: every action in this universe brings an equal and opposite reaction. If you understand it, and have no problem believing it is correct and unchanging, then what could possibly, even conceivably, cause you to think that this does not apply to your thoughts, and the physical response they are guaranteed to produce every single time? Are you stupid, or are you smart? Please don't tell us if you're smart or stupid, we'll both know in the next few minutes, and the next few hours, based exclusively on your understanding of one single, powerful, never-changing fact of life: every action in this universe brings an equals and opposite reaction.
Every time you have had a burning desire or need, you worked your brain far harder, (and usually far more efficiently), than you generally do for the average, quotidian needs of life. True, or not?
You wanted that something, in point of fact you needed to meet that deadline, so very much, that failure simply wasn't an option; remember? It's as if I was there: I watched you personally placing it in the category of "VITAL NEED." An even simpler proof for you, striking right at your own blood-filled kidneys. If a casual friend of yours asked you to drive him 25 miles to work every day in return for gas money, and it was in the opposite direction of where you work, you might have a hard time fitting it into your schedule, yes?
Now, God forbid you were told today that you need a new kidney within the next thirty to sixty days AND you have to drive 75 miles every day to get kidney treatments, do you think you might just work three or four hours per day at getting treatment, or finding a new kidney? You wouldn't consider it quite as insurmountable, would you? If you're worth the effort that went into creating you, you'd get very busy, wouldn't you? Contacting organizations and hospitals, trying to raise money, appealing to tv and radio stations for mercy broadcasting, and so on. You'd do what you have to do. |
The most vital point for you to grasp, here and now -- openly and open-mindedly -- is that we are perfectly wrong to think that a sweet dream is stuck in "I-don't-know-how" land. The question of HOW to do something, or get your hands on something, from a pile of money or a handful of orgasms to a happier environment at home, work, or school, is a far-flung second in priority to WHY. Although it takes a bit of effort to admit that the "how" is already inside of us, the "WHY" is always and without exception first and foremost in every human action from birth to death. When we have a strong enough "why", we AAAAaaalllllways find the "how," don't we?
From surviving supposedly terminal diseases to working out directions to a vital appointment with time running low, we almost always figure out how to do whatever is of greatest import to us. That's why we find a measurable, accelerating shortcut in putting aside the "how" for long enough to figure out the "why;" why exactly we want it, and what we'll get when we fail or succeed to achieve the goal. The "why" gives birth to the "how." Use it now, and see how this method accelerates YOUR results.
Since I'm not there to participate, any argument you might tender would be a bit one-sided, wouldn't you agree? As it is with every great thought in life, neither you, nor I, nor any of us have any licit claim to a valid opinion until such time as we have personal experience in the matter, true or not?
There are so many shortcuts available for your immediate use. The best piece of news is that you will find just about as many shortcuts... ... as you wish to find... as you believe you will find. That's a shortcut unto itself.
| © MrShortcut. Learn more at All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit.
In Memory of the electrifying Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, and a dedicated student, known to the world as MisterShortcut, promulgator of the Highway Of Natural Ways
For more Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts, use these links to the largest website ever created by a human being. |
Time And Money In Your Own Highway Of Natural Ways
Do not be so fast to deride the shortcut; shortcuts tend to aid most everything.
Shortcut after shortcut, find power and multi-benefits achieving your goals faster.
Shortcut after Shortcut, Time Is Altered By Shortcuts
You are living as if money is so crucially important to you, past life's necessities.
Try on the Highway Of Natural Ways asseveration that time value outweighs cash value.
Time you spend on supernumerary cash is time you will wish you could get back, later on
How have you not been taught that your time is worth far more than silly material acquisition?
Cash is replaceable with the single act of asking more people more times each for money, hm?
Time cannot be replaced, because Life's clock never stops, there are no time-outs, as in a game.
What you CAN do with a shortcut is to alter the nature of time, the very effectiveness of your time.
As the first human to shatter scores of world records, MisterShortcut promises that you can, as well.
The Highway Of Natural Ways is embraced by countless thousands who now shatter their own records.
Look at how many humans with seemingly lesser minds than you who achieve many times what you do.
Do you not realize that people of such lesser minds attaining more than you are employing great shortcuts?
Who does not appreciate a shortcut does not understand the shortcut, so teach by proving a shortcuts' value.
These shortcuts work approximately one hundred percent of the time, allowing you to change the nature of time.
The Highway Of Natural Ways cannot make these alterations on your behalf, or in place of your needed activities.
You must pick up the straps attached to the Highway Of Natural Ways and run with shortcuts for all you are worth.
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