Efficiency Rates, Efficacy, Efficacity, and You Living Younger Longer Using The Route To High Longevity, because there are too many people interested in your money, not your health.
Live longer, healthier
Examining efficiency rates over a period of just about a dozen decades in America, you may be surprised. Of 416 career fields examined, 315 are all within a range of what we can comfortably call ' the norm,' unsurprisingly .
Of the remaining 101 fields, we find a wide range of effectiveness in job attempted vs. job accomplished.
For example, one of the most efficient career fields is oil fire control. Those people, such as the internationally-renowned Red Adair, who fight often-explosive fires at oil drilling sites, enjoy a 100% efficiency rate because they ultimately get the job done every time.
Certain career fields, such as teaching, are difficult to qualify for quality of their effectiveness, and easier to quantify by way of graduation rates, and what their students end up doing five, ten, and twenty years later. Sadly, there's only one career field numerically identifiable as 'least efficient' in America, although enjoying a higher rate of efficiency in, get this, DOZENS and SCORES of other nations. What makes it scarier is a double-whammy:
The margin of its inefficiency is enormous: no other field comes close.
It is a career field carrying life and death.
If you're fairly well-read, then you already know that, comparing attempted job to successfully completed job, no career field has a lower rate of efficacy than the U.S. medical profession. Leading the way is, of course, psychiatry, designed to bring the patient back hundreds of times in order to pay for the psychiatrist's many luxuries. (It's worth noting that behaviorial psychologists and "inspirational motivators" have demonstrated a greater consistency and repetition of success with their clients)
Following right behind psychiatrists in the contest for "Most Inefficient"are the general practitioners and surgeons. These are, by weighty margins, the two most inefficient fields in America, where, ironically, their persistent failures nevertheless gain for these practitioners enormous financial rewards and respect in the community despite their undeniably enormous failure rates, with thousands of people killed every week JUST through doctor error. This fact has been thoroughly documented here in America.
We can dislike this fact, and can find no shortage of debate on how to best fix it, or why this is so. It is not, however, reasonable to argue the fact itself. Numbers do not lie, only people do.
In every human effort we have ever engaged in, there are definitive shortcuts. Those who come first do not get to enjoy so many of these shortcuts. It is what they learn, these masters and pioneers in many fields. When we see people living stronger for longer, they're showing their mastery with life itself. This applies all the more when you personally encounter people who are both old and flexible, physically limber. You find in approximately one hundred percent of elderly limber people a similarly flexible mind. If that doesn't present you with a huge shortcut this instant to dramatically impact all of the outcomes of all of the days of your life, you can hang your boots up and dribble for your dinner. For the rest of the human race who understands that we can't put milk in a car's engine. Only the fuel that's best for each human is likely to promote extended Longevity.
When it comes right to it, you will quickly find, especially at the Highway Of Natural Ways, which is free for your life, that you are literally surrounded by great shortcuts to immediately enjoying higher health, longer youth, and better quality of life in one fell swoop can be achieved with no expense, effort, or time on your part. In every case where you do so, your efficiency level continues to rise.
Actively accept that the single largest influence on your health, youth, and Longevity is not to be found outside your own mind and body. Very few doctors can licitly claim a high healing rate. Unless you can afford for someone like Dr. Emil Coué or Dr. Andrew Weil, or Dr. C. Everett Koop or Dr Sarah Brewer, genito-urinary specialist who's written over twenty noteworthy books on health and medicine, to take care of you personally, then perhaps you'll adopt the techniques of these and other life-extending wizards.
The forerunner of the F.D.A. and the American medical profession determined that Dr. Coué's unpredented effectiveness in treating and/or curing many hundreds of supposedly incurable cases of bleeding ulcers, arthritis, specific cancer patients, and more, was due to nothing more and apparently nothing less than each patient stating sincerely and out loud, several times daily, "Each day in every way I'm getting better, better, and better."
Sounds cockeyed to me, too, yet only a fool argues with the horse's mouth: roughly 1,700 seemingly impossible cases were sent into remission or cured after orthodox medical treatment had yielded nothing and his patients did as he instructed. Do YOU know better than those who have already done it successfully? As always, your personal health practices speak so loudly we can't hear a word you say.
People who are both intelligent AND flexible, who enjoy great notoriety for their embrace of open-minded approaches to resolution, such as Gary Null and Andrew Weill, or Bob Marshall, while relinquishing few of life's treats and delights, taught and lived long, active lives simply by ingesting far more water and foods that come from the ground. Not giving up cakes or other favorites, simply striking a balance between water, foods from the ground, and whatever other garbage you're happy about putting in your body.
Dr. Brewer and so very many other high quality researchers have proven the simpler methods of stress reduction; getting quality sleep; using the simplest herbal remedies such as echinacea, garlic, selenium, ginseng, and lapacho ((Pau d'Arco), which have instant and long-term power to increase a dozen or more facets of your health simultaneously.
Those who walk the talk, versus those who only talk the talk, are our best teachers. They constitute active proof of what works. In terms of your health and Longevity, the quality as well as the quantity of your life, why would you place unbalanced reliance upon, let alone pay obscene rates for, a group of people who irrefutably hurt and kill far more people than they help? This is low efficiency, from the 300,000 unnecessary heart surgeries each year (that's how many DIE within months of their surgery), to the hundreds of thousands of additional coffins, a whopping one million emergency room admissions just for patients who took what they were told in the amount they were told.
So many tens of thousands of additional coffins each year just for those who were gie wrong medication, efficiency is not one of the claims we can hear from the medical community. When doctors cut off the wrong leg… and then have to cut off the sick leg anyway, are they held as accountable as a mechanic or a teacher who makes a grave error in a critical, life-changing situation?
Be efficient. Take control of your medical decisions by participating in those decisions. You want better decisions? The internet alone provides you with almost every one of the top one thousand experts in every human field, including health and Longevity, music or money. Hush up and find a few of them. Those better decisions will please and pleasure you in as little as a single day, and obviously a great deal over the coming weeks, months, years, and, should you actually stick with it, decades of better, happier, more fulfilled living than you're getting now. Efficiency is not much more than doing what you most want -- that you're now doing or might wish to be doing -- with less effort and expense than you're now going to.
Decisions that are likely or certain to affect your life now, and well into the future, and even how long your life will be, are not decisions best left to someone who went to school for twenty-five consecutive years and is then given a license to merely practice what he or she has learned. Remember: What do we call the medical students who graduate at the bottom of their class?
We call them "Doctor."
More water. More fruits and vegetables. Use balance. Enjoy your efficiency! You can thank me later.
This is, by a huge margin, the biggest health boost that ever existed.
Share the Highway Of Natural Ways With Global Generosity!
Give the Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways by sharing with your loved ones. PowerGems and HealthGems are the most powerful and proven shortcuts of those doing better. The people who live stronger for longer, people who repeatedly win, know better than the rest. The secrets and shortcuts of the Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways work! When I ask ten people as you ask ten thousand, you will always get more "yeses," right? This is a secret of getting what you want, of closing the sale, of hearing more "yeses." By sharing these master secrets, the Highway Of Natural Ways is for building wealth, while the Route To High Longevity wants to help you to heal yourself, naturally. The idea is that, by living better and stronger for longer, you may give more. The more you help the world, the better your obituary and legacy will be. Why just live your life, when you can live a life that lives beyond you?
Highway Of Natural Ways Invitation To Counter Greed
Empower people to empower themselves, which always helps in resolving challenges. The helpless of the world, humans, creatures, flora and fauna of air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to balance unconscionable greed of the wealthiest few.
Share the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity often. Help out, even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend your minutes shows how you're spending your life. You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you wish. Great masters of success live out these master secrets of life. The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you. Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct? Act the way you want to be to become the way you act. When you imitate the great masters of this universe, you imitate the results of these great role models. PowerGems are of the masters of this universe. You know more than those who still do more? Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share your Highway Of Natural Ways. Let us all even the playing field. Learn, live, and give more.
More delights from the Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways
Self-empowerment at its best, using the shortcuts of those who do better. Three secrets of Longevity: eat little, breathe deeply, drink olive oil.
Living Stronger For Longer with your healthiest website on the internet,
where YOUR health and wealth are addressed in detail by the single most well-read human in history,
averaging a book or two per day for more than sixteen thousand days.
The brilliance is NOT found in MisterShortcut's prolifically eager mind;
it is found in his discoveries and studies of the best thinking,
and, much more importantly, the best results of all time. based on the best role models around us all, because those who do it better have a great tendency to know better.
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Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success assure you of repayment. There is no way to save lives repeatedly and NOT reap many rewards.
QRA.me - Learn the one-second energy test - get smarter forever!
Keep in mind that if a pharmaceutical drug was safe, it would not require a doctor's signature, it would simply be sold in drugstores, over the counter. True, or not?
How many of us even know what a prescription for pharmaceuticals actuall is?
An Rx prescription is a sworn affidavit from the medical doctor to the federal government, swearing under oath that the patient was advised of all the reasons NOT to take that putative medicine.
Ultimately, it's not easy to identify health issues in America, for example, that can survive in an alkaline environment.
As fantastic as it may seem, it's quite true: pH is an indication of how much of an electrical charge is present in your cells. When the electrical charge is sufficeint, your pH is alkaline, all is good: Your body has the power to fight off approximately anything and everthing we typically throw at it in the form of stupid dietary decisions.
Summarily, even major medical orgranizations agree that approximately eighty to ninety percent of all medical conditions would rapidly vanish with even moderate changes in our diets. (Sugar and, even more, flour, are responsible for most issues, they acidify the body, among dozens of other detriments).
When we pass a tiny piece of cheap pH paper through first morning urine stream, the paper either changes color or it does not.
When the pH paper stays yellow, that means body is very acidic. When acidic, body cell strength is depleted, not reasonable or logical to think the body can efficiently defend against a thousand challenges.
When pH paper turns blue, that's way too high, that's alkalosis, and, among other things, indicates that minerals are basically pouring out of your bones and soft-tissue reserve. JUST AS WITH TOO LOW OF A pH, CORAL CALCIUM is the most reliable mineral for instantly turning the body's bloodstream back towards solid green pH.
Numerically, you're looking for pH to be between 7 and 7.3. It's when your urine turns the tiny piece of pH paper a nice rich green. -- So, no need to get hung up on the precise number of pH, only that it needs to be in a dark green zone of color.
Coral calcium is the only one of more than 1,500 forms of calcium that the body can process back into bone and soft-tissue reserve.
Thus, a half-spoon of coral calcium in a glass of lemon water? Call it a magical master secret of the universe. This is a core favorite of anyone living their own sense of the Highway Of Natural Ways. Hands down, it's a winner. -- Then again, what are the six most critical foods of life?
Air, water, never-heated oil, bulk, minerals, and probiotics (although Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success both submit that laughter and orgasms merit inclusion, rounding the "Most-Vital" list to a nice even eight. :-)
We all know people who are smarter than us ...
It just never happens to be the person we're
currently speaking to."
Learn more, to live more!
Learning about pH and alkalinity and cell voltage is likely as wise as learning QRA, the world's only proven (and patented!) energy test, showing instantly, among other things, what makes YOU instantly weak or strong, what foods you're sensitive or outright allergic to.
Can hardly say it too many times: Learn more, to live more. (It elevates likelihood that you'll give more, helping the helpless as and where you choose to.
Pleasant it is for the Lane of Greater Success to introduct you to FoodBoosters, the world's first provably supercharged rare earth minerals.
EVERY food and beverage testing weak by QRA testing is unconditionally guaranteed to test stronger when touched by FoodBoosters.
This is yet another reason for you to learn how to do the one-second QRA test. Become your OWN top doctors with tools like QRA.
The more you know, the more likely your longevity is to expand with pleasure.
Living Stronger For Longer with your healthiest website on the planet, a customized Lane of Greater Success with love and the compliments of MisterShortcut - CEO of YOUR fan club.
The Route To High Longevity, hoping to help you to heal yourself, and all-naturally,
built by Mr_Shortcut for YOU to live younger longer ... NATURALLY ... is a huge part of the Highway Of Natural Ways, also designed, created, and uploaded by Mr_Shortcut.
These 1,000+ separate sites containing considerably more than a million web pages, are all designed for you... for YOUR health, your healing naturally, naturopathic medicine, naturopathic practitioners,and so much more. Here is a partial list.
naturopathic doctors, natural healing, living stronger longer by not allowing your doctor to kill you,
which does happen many thousands of times each month in the U.S., better foods and supplements,
and so much more at your own version of the Highway Of Natural Ways.
Shapetalk - Route To High Longevity Health Shapetalk
The Route To High Longevity highlights your need and meriting to know the facts:
4,000 - 18,000+ patients in the U.S. now die of M.D. and hospital error each week.
It has never been more timely for You to more pro-actively pursue healthy solutions.
Imitating those of us who live stronger for longer is not a bad idea for you to embrace.
The Route To High Longevity does not, cannot heal you, simply helping you heal yourself.
Involvement advances when you personally learn more about healing naturally, healthfully.
You confuse emergency care skills of an M.D. with chronic care skills, which no M.D. trains for.
As hard as it is to accept, millions of patients are sickened or killed every year obeying their MD.
M.D.'s are people to go to for acute emergency care, not for mudpacks or for nutritional deficiencies.
As you make easy, wise decisions about ingesting water, oil, salt, fiber, bacteria, M.D.'s become passe.
Like all humans, you are capable of learning three or four new facts per day for one hundred days, right?
You need no college degree, not by a long shot. Without having to study drugs, you learn right past your M.D.
You only need to learn about whatever issues are having the largest impact on your life, and on those you love.
Because the issue is so narrow, you'll surely be surprised to learn how easy it is to learn about these issues.
Drugs and surgery are either a last resort for the caring M.D., or a first resort for the too-high-fee'd M.D.
My I.Q. is 50 to 100 points higher than yours, I've read many more thousands of books than you have,
and promise you that M.D.'s are about sixteen times more likely to hurt or kill you than to help you.
That is no opinion of the Route To High Longevity, it is a brutal fact of what we call "iatrogenia."
No human can heal you, none can cure you, no prescription can set your body straight again:
They can only help your body to help itself, stimulating your system to help to heal itself.
Why so many putatively educated people are unable to understand this is puzzling,
and yet, the Route To High Longevity prefers not to waste time pondering it.
It is wise to employ your brain energy to fix what's wrong by learning.
Can't say it too many times: Learn more to live more to give more.
You are warmly welcomed into the Route To High Longevity, and urged to shut your mouth and get busier today, because what you do speaks so loudly, friend,
we just can't hear a word you're saying. Go for yours. Today IS your turn. The Route To High Longevity,
with Healthy Shapetalk
Why are cancer, heart disease, and stroke listed as the top causes of death with no mention of iatrogenia?
"Given to the patient by the physician" is how we define iatrogenia, and how we define iatrogenic death.
Why is a "largest cause of death" in the U.S. not a subject of education for all students and adults?
Your beliefs prove approximately one hundred percent wrong, by rates of sickness and death. More than 90 of 100 people die unnaturally, yet you continue to insist, "it won't be me." If you can see five to ten pounds you should lose, there is twenty-five you can't see.
For each ten extra pounds you can see, there are twenty or more hidden pounds. Before you weigh more than 500 lbs, remarkably little of that weight is fat.
All that weight is unreleased excrement, which poisons in each minute. Death does, as a wise man said, begin in the colon, including yours. Easy colon cleanse, or, better yet, coffee enemas, save your life. Stop forming opinions in areas you have no great experience in. Learn from the masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, those who learn more and achieve more, proving that they therefore know more. If you are not getting it from the horse's mouth, maybe you're at the wrong end of the horse.
If you do not clean out that deadly excrement, doctors become, mostly, a waste of time and money.
The first secret of life is the set of five master secrets that influence Longevity perhaps more than anything.
Ounces of water in each waking hour of your life, air-dried sea salt, fiber, and friendly bacteria. Master secrets.
These alone entitle you to say you embrace the Route To High Longevity: timeless secrets that work most every time.
Doctors cannot help you any more than you can help yourelf; not medical doctors, or even naturopathic doctors. Be your own top doctor.
Doctors Poem - Route To High Longevity Doctors Set Can HealthGems Come In Poetic Shapetalk?
Doctors after this, and doctors after that, shapetalk poetry might just advise us, what to do with brains made of fat. Doctors of this, doctors of that, it might seem that all doctors, stuff the cash in their hats. Doctors come to this,
doctors went to that, comprehending what doctors, Decided what to do with the facts.
Doctors might have saved the trouble, assuring instead to treat bills as doubles, and that's why doctors may have brains of fat.
Putting doctors in shapetalk does NOT convey doctor support.
Doctors after doctors, each cleaning up means creating new messes.
Hence, the Route To High Longevity suggests natural, healthier solutions.
Most non-critical health challenges have natural answers that need no doctors.
Before attending allopathic doctors or naturopathic doctors or ayurvedic doctors or...
better to first become your own top doctor or top doctors, by learning several facts each day.