Media Blackouts In Re Government Misconduct
For those who claim that media blackouts are improbable or impossible, feel free to rationalize the following.
Can what is alleged to be the worst large-scale fraud in American history, involving tens of thousands of America's best & brightest, be committed, detected, prosecuted, and convicted with not a mention in any of 1,200 news organizations in America or overseas?
One publisher and six employees accused of defrauding, one at a time,
seventy thousand individuals.
Oops, not just any people:
seventy-thousand of our best and brightest minds,
from Georgette Mosbacher and Sumner Redstone, to Presidential physicians and those people gifted to teach surgery at Harvard; along with a distinct majority of the CEO's, Chairmen of the Board, Presidents, and other upper-echelon leaders of the Fortune 2000 who renewed and upgraded their purchases repeatedly. Not a moment or ounce of governmental disapprobation throughout eight mega-million dollar years- Chairman of the CIA's primary analysis unit, the CEOs of Litton Industries and Coca Cola; tens of thousands of other corporate leaders. All of them allegedly defrauded one at a time AND repeatedly for a few hundred dollars each, totaling fifty-plus million dollars. Can you imagine? Adding to the insanity is that these so-called victims were so happy with what they'd purchased that forty thousand of them renewed and/or upgraded their purchases over that eight-year period!!
- Can you imagine the alleged defrauders being arrested and the media doesn't know of it? Please.
- Ok, let's get silly: Can you imagine these people being charged, having all charges dropped, and then having the charges re-instated, and then going through one of the longest trials in all of American history and still, not a word in any media outlet?
- How about someone being arrested for a hundred-plus crimes, and, although they have no money, they're allowed to stay free for a few years, then this long trial, and although they're found guilty, they remain free for a year, and two, and three beyond, still no federal appeal filed?
- Ever hear of a juror in a federal trial complaining about improper influence/pressure in the jury room only to have the sitting federal judge yell at the witness, "Ah! Ah! Ah! I don't want to hear it"??!!
- If eight prosecution witnesses testify ON BEHALF of a defendant's innocence, and then one lone IRS agent testifies that he overheard the defendant confessing guilt to another government agent, and that he remembers the conversation verbatim from several years earlier without notes, tapes, or any reference to any record whatsoever, is it possible to convict that defendant without the third government agent being called to testify in a five-month trial?
- When 99.85% of a trial transcript deals only with one man's financial and corporate chicanery, along with that of his accountant, and the remaining .15% (that's fifteen one-hundredths of one percent!) deals with six other defendants, is it possible to legitimately convict all six defendants?
- How often do several jury members depart a trial in tears, mouthing apologives to defendants, as a result of their having been blackmailed by other jury members, who just 'happen' to be employees of the same government agency that brought the charges in the first place?
- Can a defendant be so departed from reality that a federal judge orders defendant to be administered dangerous psychotropic medicines for a period of six years, yet the defendant is found to be sane enough to have defrauded thousands and thousands of brilliant masters, millionaires, billionaires, and corporate and institutional leaders, again, ONE AT A TIME, and repeatedly over a period of eight years… although the defendant only worked at the defending company for 241 workdays?
- How do we explain that none of this multi-year, mega-million-dollar trial and fiasco has ever been touched by the media? (Two of America's largest television news magazine shows began to do stories; both were firmly instructed to drop and bury the story by executives at Black Rock HQ of CBS, along with top brass at ABC).
- Is it coincidence that the de facto complainant in the Who's Who Worldwide Registry trial is the largest privately-owned influence on the legal and judicial community in America, owner of Lexis Nexis, Martindale Hubbel, and several hundred other companies, including Marquis Who's Who of America? Coincidences happen but rarely in life, and when it comes to Reed Elsevier and their unlimited war chest, coincidence is not tolerated. Marquis Who's Who had, in its halcyon days, up to ten thousand 'listees' per year, who paid for the Who's Who of America registry each year. When Who's Who Worldwide went much further, it didn't take long for this fledgling registry to command the number one position of 1,700+ Who's Who's published in the U.S.
By building an active executive club, replete with membership benefits, major magazine entitled "Tribute;"(with full-page ads from Izod, Seagram's, Cadillac, etc.), press releases, camera-ready artwork, beautfully engraved wall placques, networking opportunties and more, the competition had no chance:corporate and institutional America embraced Who's Who Worldwide and the Who's Who Worldwide Executive Club with open arms, and tens of thousands of renewals and upgrades, When giants such as Jack Welsch, CEO of General Electric, or President Reagan's personal physician, or the Prime Minister of Lithuania join a club like this, they know precisely what they are doing and why. the U.S. Government seems to feel that they know better than our best and brightest leaders whether or not they received their money's worth. Anyone care to explain?
Not one of the twenty most recognized faces in journalism will touch this story, some, such as Barbara Walters, because they themselves were members of the Who's Who Executive Club, and claim 'embarassment' at involvement in this scandal, others because they've been told by the brass at ABC, CBS, and NBC that under no circumstances can they mention this case aloud. "Current Edition," for example, stopped production mid-effort at the direct command of network execs.
This was the largest executive membership in all of human history. That's an indisputably proven fact..
Let's back up a step.
- Marquis Who's Who of America long reigned supreme of 1,700 Who's Who organizations in the U.S. then came Who's Who Worldwide Registry, not only a directory, but also an Executive Club. After seven years of persistent growth, its membership hit the 75,000 mark right after its last CD-rom was released, at a time when no company in the United States offered such a compact disk, let alone one of such technological advance and advantage.
- Reed Elsevier was incensed at the loss of prestige, not to mention millions and millions and more millions in cash that went to Who's Who Worldwide rather than to Reed. Here, the premiere legal publishers for a dozen countries, also the premiere publishers for science around the world, and so much more, was left in the dust. With boundless cash accounts in many countries, Reed Elsevier could afford to purchase a few U.S. Government employees for just a tiny fraction of what they were losing in dollars alone to Who's Who Worldwide. Reed Elsevier set out to shut the company down, and invested hard resources to do so.
Low and behold, for the VERY FIRST AND ONLY TIME IN U.S. HISTORY, a multi-million dollar publishing company (or any other) was closed down in a single day. Not a peep from the press! Seventy thousand executives cheated by their own government, not a word. From tens of millions of dollars per year to zero in an instant. No warning, no admonishments. Never a single complaint from the government. In point of testimonialized fact, the U.S. Postal Inspector who'd committed millions of tax dollars investigating just one company gave the publisher a clean bill of health, followed up by a similar finding by a federal district
court judge. To further demonstrate the governmental/judicial corruption present in this case, that same United States Postal Inspector, Martin Beigelman, who had supervised a multi-year, multi-million-dollar investigation of Who's Who Worldwide, and who had allegedly received a confession from one of the defendants, NEVER APPEARED AT TRIAL!!
He was repeatedly present during pre-trial hearings, where rules of evidence are far more relaxed than during a trial itself. then he simply disappeared. the government claimed he was 'on assignment' too far away to be called for trial. Weeks and weeks and more weeks of trial came and went, with no Beigelman. |
The sitting judge, who had already dismissed this case once, accepted enormous amounts of testimony and evidential submission that clearly exculpated the salespeople who were charged with wrongdoing, yet refused to dismiss the charges again. It's probably coincidence that, at trial's end, that same sitting federal judge was seen driving a new vehicle that didn't merely cost more than any other vehicle he'd ever owned, rather, a vehicle that cost more than every vehicle that elderly judge had ever owned, all added up together over a half-century! Did his tastes suddenly change?
This was the same federal judge who was observed by nearly twenty attorneys and defendants to fall asleep in court up to a hundred times during the course of a long and often-boring recitation of the financial cozenage of Bruce Gordon, publisher of Who's Who Worldwide, the same federal 2nd District Court judge who was heard uttering cryptic comments that left an entire courtroom scratching their heads -- on several occasions.
Yet, this is also the same sitting federal judge who allowed a jury to stay on-board and taint the other jury members with both unofficial AND official complaints that a female defendant in this trial automotively banged and damaged the juror's Mercedes Benz with the female defendant's own Mercedes Benz during the trial. After several days of complaints, notes, poisoning the other jury members, and requests for information on how to file claims on this separate matter, the federal judge finally released that juror from service, long after the damage was repeatedly and forcefully done to the jury's deliberations.
When a sitting juror's father dies, is it customary to release that juror from further service? Not when it happened during the Who's Who Worldwide case.
Six years after the seizure of all Who's Who Worldwide employees and assets, three years after the trial that found every defendant guilty, no appeals have been filed, no motions to set aside the often-bizarre rulings of this judge have been written or submitted.
Poof! In one day, in the glimpse of a single minute, the world's largest executive club was squashed flat. Questions arise from mind-goggling, boggling facts that are undeniable. For example, when Publisher's Clearinghouse and Family Publishers, and nine other of America's largest magazine publishers/clearinghouses were found to have actively and intentionally defrauded millions of Americans, were they not warned repeatedly, and ultimately fined up to tens of millions of dollars each…. Never losing a single day of business? Has Ed McMahon or Dick Clark ever been arrested for so cleverly defrauding their customers that some of them actually sold their belongings and travelled cross-country to collect their nonexistent million-dollar checks? Has Dionne Warwick every been arrested or charged with defrauding all those poor people paying up to four dollars per minute for phony psychic advice? Of course not.
When the U.S. Government believes a company is engaged in wrongdoing, do they not so advise the company? Does the government not seek to remedy the situation through corrective action? After eight years of record-shattering success, with approximately forty thousand repeat customers at the highest levels of corporate and institutional life in America, the U.S. Government never gave a hint or warning: in a single day they shuttered Who's Who Worldwide, the most successful, and by far the largest executive membership that has ever existed.
As far as this case is concerned, the U.S. Constitution might well have never been written or ratified. the more one examines the case, the more stunning its egregiosity is revealed to be. Can you imagine, for example, a defendant and attorney having no personal contact for up to two and three years at a stretch? One defendant has never once met with his attorney in the three years that has elapsed since trial. Not one word of appeal has been mailed, emailed, faxed or even verbally shared. The list of oddities is virtually endless.
This must be one for the books, because it's clearly not one for the career-sensitive members of the formerly vaunted Fourth Estate.
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Corrupt Definitions Of The Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success When the Court is corrupt, where do upstanding citizens turn to for justice? Let us fix system this corrupt!
The Highway Of Natural Ways, and Lane of Greater Success, for that matter, note the regrettable current state of the judiciary in the U.S.
Where corruption may have been prevalent in the day of the proverbial "Wild West," where judges could easily be bought for gold, etc.,
one might fairly expect that the establishment by the turn of the 20th century of higher standards would have stuck with us, true?
Yet, one of the cornerstones of both Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success is to identify the best and the worst.
As the Who's Who Worldwide case so clearly and indisputably demonstrates, honesty in the judiciary has become dicier.
From a judge falling asleep well over a hundred times in a single trial, missing transparently exculpatory testimony,
to the Court's repeated failures to safeguard something of a litany of constitutional imperatives and safeguards,
to the jury member attesting in open court to egregious examples of "undue pressure" applied in jury deliberations,
the Who's Who Worldwide case is yet another demonstration of the exigency of need in addressing judicial corruption.
Admittedly, "corrupt" is a very strong term to use with respect to events in a federal trial in this day and age.
Those who live by the standards of the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success, adhering to them,
can hardly deny that Arthur Spatt could hardly claim to be a paradigm of probity and neutral judicial oversight.
With respect to corrupt proceedings, corrupt individuals, and corrupt outcomes, this case is quite a standout.
If YOU are a subscriber to the ethics, secrets, and methods of the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success,
you are invited to speak up. Those who tolerate iniquity can hardly claim to be less culpable than who commits it.
Dirtiest Trials of the 20th Century - Miscarriages of Justice
How rare it is to find a case that can offer not merely two or three, instead, more than a dozen major reasons for overturning that conviction. Here is a case studied by a respected federal judge for many months, who found that no crime had been committed, and dismissed the case.
Reed Elsevier, Ltd, as the single richest and most powerful publisher in more than one hundred countries around the world,
easily. empirically and truthfully described as one of the most corrupt corporations in all of human history,
perverted the foundations of American justice in the Who's Who Worldwide case with cash, power, and perqs.
Imagine a trial where not ten percent of the proceedings have ANY connection with most of the defendants.
That alone should require a separation of trial. In this case, NOT EVEN ONE PERCENT of the proceedings,
accusations, presented evidence, or accepted facts, had anything to do with the "sales" defendants.
The Who's Who Worldwide case was all about Bruce Gordon, his machinations and his accountant,
and the many companies operated in secrecy by Gordon and Liz Sauter, his true "henchman."
For days and days and weeks and weeks, all the discussion was about Gordon and his actions.
Prosecution witness after prosecution witness exculpated the sales defendants, yet,
this same judge who had previously dismissed the case after months of study,
was under one of the worst pressures any judge can be subjected to:
pressure from the federal court of appeals above him, who, in
New York's bailiwick, remains under the control of....
Reed Elsevier, the most powerful force today
in the American arena of jurisprudence.
This can be fixed by Presidential Pardon.
Call 202-456-1414 to lift your voice.
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