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Impressive Testimonials for Bodyscans - Accurate Biofeedback Information
Penny, B.S.T.
I am loving working with my BodyScan™ 2010, and I’m getting interesting and excellent results. My books are now so full that clients may take six weeks to see me!
loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm, and his most ardent
student, herein known as Mr. Shortcut
No thanks could suffice for the inspiration of Paul Newman,
gradually and with determination earning many tens of millions of dollars,
then using those dollars to feed starving people in countries all around the world.
What a purely class act. If and when I ever grow up, Paul Newman will be my role model:
master, millionaire, and champion -- that's worth more than all the billionaires I know, and that's quite a few.